Bushnell, Nikon, Leupold, Toyota - Crap?

The title says it all. Do any of you think products from these mfg's are crap? Let me tell you from first hand experience that they are NOT! So the story begins...

I was so excited I couldn't even take a nap. I have had a deer hunting trip planned for a couple of months. My friend and I were going to leave Friday between 12:30 and 1:00 a.m. for the long drive up to the Texas panhandle. Everything was going to plan, we left my friends apartment around 12:30 a.m. We had been on the road for only about 15 minutes and just made it past lake Lewisville heading north on I-35E in the middle lane. We were one of few vehicles on the road that late. We were discussing our strategies for the upcoming hunt when out of nowhere a Stupid A$$ Drunk Driver side swiped a camaro in the right lane pushing him into the right rear of my friends '99 Toyota Tacoma. Needless to say it knocked us sideways and before we knew what happened we were rolling (police estimated 5-6 times, I know it was at least 4) down the highway. Side, Top, Side, Tires, you get the picture. Have you ever seen someone climb into a 50 gal drum and roll down a hill? It was kinda like that except we were in a 3000 lb drum and goind 65 mph.

Now, being that the truck is a single/reg cab all of our gear was in the bed. Including my Tikka rifle in a soft/hard case topped with my Leupold scope. My backpack had my Nikon binocs and my Bushnell Rangefinder along with gloves and knives and a few other tools of the trade. I just got my belongings back today and I am amazed. My Leupold scope is un-damaged as well as the binocs and rangefinder. They all work just as well as they did when I bought them. Don't know if the scope still has it's zero but will find out as soon as I am able. The Toyota is totalled but the cab amazingly held it's structure quite well. Don't ever let someone tell you that Bushnell, Nikon, Leupold and Toyota are Crap. Especially Toyota - it undoubtedly saved my life and the life of my good friend.

My friend (the driver) escaped with minor bumps and bruises, I wasn't quite as fortunate. My right hand went through the passenger window and smacked/dragged the pavement pretty hard. I also had several cuts on top of my head and a bad bruise across my chest and right shoulder from the seatbelt. I was taken to the hospital by ambulance and given the works. I had no broken bones, my cat (they did a cat scan) was fine. They bandaged the road-rash on my hand and the cuts on my head and sent me home. I don't know if we will be able to go deer hunting this year but I am just thankful that the Good Lord has seen fit to give us a second chance and we are alive to try again next year.

Never take anything for granted - especially life.


The drunk driver that cuased it all fled the scene in his truck. While I was in the ambulence I heard over the radio that the cops found him by the lake and had to use a taser to get him under control.


New member
I'm glad you are only superficially hurt. I drive that stretch of road often. I have had to stop once to render first aid to a critical case of road rash. A teenage girl got her arm trapped outside the vehicle just like yours, but the tissue was removed to the bone on the top of here forearm. That's the only time I've ever used a tourniquet.

I wouldn't be too concerned if all the hunting equipment was broken. I'm glad it's not, but it's not designed to deal with that type of crushing force. The Toyota on the other hand should be, and I'm glad it did.


New member
I am happy that you and your friend are allright and not hurt too bad. This is why I have no problem with tough punishments for drunk driving. Keep safe, the deer will be there when you get better.

629 shooter

New member
To be able to walk away from something like that with minor injuries is very fortunate. Glad to hear they caught the drunk driver too.


New member
Holy smokes, glad you are alright bud! That isn't something that would normally be a "walk-away" incident.

On the side of the gear, that is amazing! If everything works and all you have to do is send a Leupold in to get checked, I'd send them a letter that tells them what that poor scope survived so well. I bet even they would be impressed...

Good hunting and glad to see you are all right!



New member
Glad you are ok. I'm glad your cat is all right too. I have to ask, though. Why do you take your cat hunting?

Jamie Young

New member
They are all good for the month, but there are tougher optics out there. Leupold being the better of the above mentioned.
By saying my cat was fine, I was referring to the CT (cat) scan they did on my brain to make sure I didn't have any bleeding or damage.

Since it doesn't look like I am going hunting this year, I would love to hear some stories and see pics anyone has of hunts they went on this year. I am going to have to live this hunting season through all of you and your successfull or not so successfull hunting adventures.

Thanks to all for the well-wishes!


New member
Heck of a way to have yourself and your gear tested. Glad everything came out well, especially you.