Bushmaster rifle took on life all of its own as killing machine


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Copyright 2002 The Detroit News
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The Detroit News

October 29, 2002 Tuesday One dot Edition

SECTION: METRO; Laura Berman; Pg. 1C

LENGTH: 534 words

HEADLINE: Bushmaster rifle took on life all of its own as killing machine

BYLINE: Laura Berman

I know, I know: The gun didn't do it. You cannot blame the sniper murders on the Bushmaster XM15 carbine-type rifle used in the killings of 10 men and women.

But the gun was a character in the drama, an accomplice -- not unlike teen-ager John Lee Malvo -- willing or not. In the Washington, D.C.-area sniper drama, the Bushmaster XM15, the sniper's high-powered rifle, exerts its own fascination. Throughout the long killing spree that terrorized the area, more was known about the gun in question than the man or men wielding it.

The gun's power was on display, like a commercial for firepower: We knew the sniper was using a weapon that could be fired with great accuracy, from a long range.

And maybe that's why this particular gun, the Bushmaster XM15, seems like quite the personality.

One police official was repeatedly quoted describing Muhammad's blue 1990 Caprice with the hole in the trunk as "a killing machine."

Whereas a Bushmaster XM15, which retails for $899 or so, depending on configuration, is, in fact, a killing machine.

Unlike a 1990 Caprice, engineered for your mother to drive, the Bushmaster carbine-type rifle is engineered and manufactured for the sole purpose of extinguishing life from a long range.

Prairie dogs, insurgent rebels, innocent citizens buying gas -- the Bushmaster is a versatile machine. It's built in 29 variations, including the fully automatic model used by 38 foreign governments.

I wanted to eye a Bushmaster up close, but the Bushmaster dealers are sensitive right now. At Target Sports in Royal Oak, Ray, the manager, told me over the phone that he didn't want to contribute to any negative coverage, and that he couldn't imagine any good coming from talking to me.

In Clawson, a manager at Double Action Indoor Shooting Center declined to show off his Bushmaster. "You're a reporter?" he asked. "I don't think so."

And a few of the other dealers said they didn't have any Bushmasters in stock.

So I spoke to the chairman of Bushmaster Firearms, Richard "Dick" Dyke, an entrepreneur and corporate-turnaround specialist, who is happy to talk about his product.

He took the Wyndham, Maine, company out of bankruptcy 18 years ago, and breathed new life into it by marketing a civilian model of the U.S. military's M-16 automatic assault rifle.

"The model used by the sniper was a 16-inch barrel, which isn't what snipers usually use," he said. "Military snipers we sell to prefer a 24-inch or 26-inch barrel."

But the model found in Muhammad's Caprice was equipped with a flat space designed to mount accessories -- a scope, a carrying handle, a laser sight.

It slices, too.

Dyke, the Bushmaster chairman, was friendly and charming. He said his company employs 300 people, and that it's just one of the 48 companies he's bought and profited from over the years. From poker chips to after shave to assault rifles, Dyke knows how to buy and sell companies.

"We sold almost 50,000 (Bushmaster rifles) last year," said Dyke.

One was shipped last June to Bull's Eye Guns, a Tacoma, Wash. distributor.

That gun became the property of John Allen Muhammad and then proved its accuracy, superior firepower and versatility to the world.


New member
what? the bushmaster xm15 isnt engineered so that my mother can use it? shucks, guess she won't be getting a nice gift after all. maybe i should just get one for myself.


New member
Prairie dogs, insurgent rebels, innocent citizens buying gas -- the Bushmaster is a versatile machine. It's built in 29 variations, including the fully automatic model used by 38 foreign governments
Whew! I'm glad I own a Colt AR-15. It's designed to punch holes in paper, and smash an occaisional pumpkin, balloon, or other other reactive target.

I should steer clear of these bushmaster thingies ... they're made to kill people ... will it even work right if I shoot at targets, or would it automatically shoot my friend?
Thank Gawd CA made me take my Bushys to NV. :( My favorite for fun was a southpaw model with ambidextrious safety and magazine release. It had a Panther Arms (DPMS) southpaw upper that ejected on the left side.


Member In Memoriam
" ... a weapon that could be fired with great accuracy, from a long range."

Bushmaster & Co should be very proud of their accuracy work. A mere 8 years ago ('94 AW ban) touted that these were "spray 'n pray" weapons - totally unsuited for target work. :rolleyes:

Master Blaster

New member
You mean they fire BBBBBBBBULLLLETTTS???!?!?!?!!?!??!

Here I beeen usin mine to open bottles of petes wicked beer, and as a putter when I play golf.

Shoot I'll have to take it out of my golf bag now and buy some o that there ammo.:rolleyes:


New member
I'm not taking any chances here. I have chained my BM down in the closet and hid the ammo from it so it won't jump up and load itself and start shooting me or my loved ones. You might consider doing the same!


New member
Here I beeen usin mine to open bottles of petes wicked beer

now thats an interesting idea

post bans can not have a bayonet mount on the front end
but i imagine a bottle opener would be OK


New member
Not only is it a killing machine. It is "freely sold over the Internet", according to some English-language TV station I was watching the other day.


New member
""We sold almost 50,000 (Bushmaster rifles) last year," said Dyke.

One was shipped last June to Bull's Eye Guns, a Tacoma, Wash. distributor.

That gun became the property of John Allen Muhammad and then proved its accuracy, superior firepower and versatility to the world.

OK. How many cars were sold last year that were involved in a fatal accident? How many packs of cigarettes contributed to how many deaths? How much alcohol killed how many people? How many knives were sold and how many people died from their use? How many swimming pools were sold and how many people drowned in them? How many staircases were built and how many people fell down how many of them and died?

How many people were told in news articles by ignorant reporters that they were safe and that the police would protect them and how many of them died because they weren't prepared to defend themselves and their families?


New member
nonsense! i just bought an evilly satanic mp5 with a suppressor over the internet. no background check, no ffl, sent right to my doorstep.

but its an airsoft, so it isnt as lethal as the firearm it is modelled from.


New member
That gun became the property of John Allen Muhammad and then proved its accuracy, superior firepower and versatility to the world.

You mean you don't have to aim this gun? It is accurate all by itself? Just point in the general direction of your intended target and watch the gun do its thing? My AR15 won't do that. Darn. I got ripped off. Can I sue Colt?

Superior firepower as related to what, BB guns?

Versatility? For what? How did the gun demonstrate its versatility? Did it change a tire on the Caprice, then shoot a few victims, then rake the lawn? My AR15 just lays around until I make it do something. What a lazy POS. I've been duped by Colt. I want a refund. Anyone in the market for a preban, lazy AR15?



New member
Yeah, I'll go ahead and take your lazy AR off your hands for you. Just pay the shipping to me and we won't have to dicker over anything else. I won't charge you anything else. I will chain it down with my other AR just in case though.