Bushmaster Responds to Brady Groups False Claim of Victory


New member
Bushmaster Responds to Brady Groups False Claim of Victory
Thursday September 9, 2004 9:24AM est

Windham, Maine -- The Washington DC Brady Group would have you believe they won some kind of victory! The Brady Group brought this lawsuit not for the victims, but for their anti-gun agenda. The Brady Group asked for the settlement conference after reviewing all the evidence they knew they could not be successful in court and they wanted to stop paying lawyer fees.

The Brady Group sent a second tier lawyer to the settlement conference with nine demands on Bushmaster regarding business practices and Bushmaster denied them all. We then gave the Brady Group our statement that we support the BATF licensing requirements to be a Federal Firearms Licensed (FFL) holder and our support for the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) safety programs, and they accepted our statement. We did not agree and would not agree to change the way we do business or make any additional demands of our customers. We were emphatic that Bushmaster did not commit any wrong doings.

The attorney for our insurance company was at the settlement conference and informed us that about half of our policy limits had been spent on trial lawyers. It was the insurance company’s position that all of the limit would be spent on this case, and therefore turned the funds over to Bushmaster to use as we saw fit removing the insurance company from the case. Our choice was to continue spending it on trial lawyers or turn it over directly to the victims’ families with no funds going to the Brady Group for their legal fees.

We felt the compassionate thing to do was give it to the victims’ families, not because we had to but because we wanted to. The Washington DC Brady Group should learn what compassion is really all about!

Bushmaster strongly believes and vigorously supports the rights of citizens to own and use firearms, and the settlement of this case in no way compromises that stand. The Brady Group’s attempt at claiming a victory over firearms manufacturers is a hollow one with no substance. Their attempt to eliminate gun rights of citizens has failed legislatively and will continue to fail with these frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers.

Bushmaster Firearms, Inc.


New member
I hope that Bushmaster doesn't find out in a couple years that the EBR wasn't an EBR, but a common every day rifle in .223. (There are some "theories" floating around for that. But then there are "theories" for everything.)



Moderator Emeritus
...and no monies to the Bradyites! Icing on the cake!


I feel a parts order comin' on. :cool:


New member
boats, it's already starting. I just saw a news report that basically made the case seem like "the victim's families vs. the evil gun company." They also called it a "historic" :barf: ruling on several occasions, implying that it leaves the door open for more lawsuits. The one quote they read from bushmaster's statement was "We felt the compassionate thing to do was give it to the victims’ families." It's being portrayed as a huge victory for victims and a strike against the gun industry. The brady bunch wasn't mentioned except for the statement by their lawyer (who was mysteriously present) who said how great it is and that it shows that gun manufacturers will be held accountable blah blah blah.

ohen cepel

New member
Bushmaster put the screws to us!

It was a historic decision. The gun company paid.

Bushmaster sold us out.

I'm so pi$$ed I could go out and wrap my Pussmaster around a tree!

This is a big crack in our defense guys.

El Rojo

New member
When did we switch sides to the irrational, emotional left? Wake up people. This was no sell-out. Bushmaster is not going to spend all of their money fighting some frivalous lawsuit when they can spend half of their money instead. The thing people don't seem to be comprehending is that whether you win or lose, you still have to pay the lawyer's bill. All Bushmaster did was settle the case with no mention of liability all at their insurance's expense. This is no victory for the gun grabbers. If you believe it is, then I guess you pretty much buy anything you see on network news. When it comes down to it, Bushmaster is still a business. They took the cheaper way out without changing a single thing. The gun grabbers got nothing out of this. If you continue to believe everything you hear out of their mouths you will be calling your representatives right now to stop Uzis and AK47s from flooding the streets on Monday. Or if you are like me, you are going to smile as they spout their rhetoric and rest comfortable in the fact that Bushmaster has changed nothing and they are going to be pumping out AR15s in record numbers as soon as the AWB sunsets Monday. This is no crack in our defense. The gun grabbers got nothing out of this. Not a damn thing.

If you want to stop this from happening again, go out and vote for Senators who would have stopped the AWB from getting tacked on to the lawsuit protection bill last spring. That is the only way we will ever stop these frivalous suits. And to show Bushmaster you appreciate their support of our Second Amendment, you ought to go buy something from them. I plan on it.


Oh BS on this hysteria crap. Fact of the matter is that Bushmaster paid the Dane and the Dane ain't going away.

The decision was fight now and bleed moderately or take their future chances on death by a thousand cuts. Even if you only bleed a little at a time you can be killed off that way or greviously injured. Just ask Big Tobacco how that goes.

Bottom line: They paid, and they will only encourage more lawsuits from "gun violence victims." Bank on it, the antis are. Even if they never make a dime on it personally, their lawyers will still get supported by lefty foundational grants.


Moderator Emeritus
Oh BS on this hysteria crap.

Good idea.

Fact of the matter is that Bushmaster paid the Dane and the Dane ain't going away.

Don't you feel funny using the word "fact" in that sentence? :rolleyes: Hey, why think when we can quote Kipling!

IIRC, aren't you a lawyer, Boats? Care to instruct the class on the legal repercussions of an out-of-court settlement negotiated on favorable terms vice a courtroom defeat? Or is hysteria still in the air?


I think my point is pretty clear, Kipling is used only to colorfully illustrate it. Your smug sarcasm aside, I do believe the effect of a very public settlement of a meritless case only fuels more of the same expectations from the usual suspects.

You presumption of a loss sets up a false dichotomy. Beretta never gave up on Dix. They kicked Brady ass for a decade and a half. That is the way to set an example.

It is not just about the money, the settlement is being spun as a victory by the antis and their liberal echo chamber is louder than a Bushmaster press release could ever hope to be.

Are you still spreading the impression that Valor Corp. paid Grunow's widow $24 million? If so, tsk, tsk, for leaving out the other half of the story.