Bushmaster: good deal?


New member
Howdy all. I've decided on the Bushmaster .223 for my next gun. My question......would $800 shipped to me, out the door, be a fair price for this gun? I think I'd rather have the 20" barrel over 16" (even though the 16 is muuuuuch cooler looking!!)

Anyway, $800 is my max. Would this gun be a good one to fill that AR-15 slot with? Thank you!!! :p



New member
seems to be in line with the prices for the same rifle in my neck of the woods (northwest) but if it were me i'd try to get a detachable carry handle so you could mount optics easier if you wanted to. thats just a personal preference though.



New member
$800?! I paid $1000!!!! (out the door)
Grrr....... and that was WITH a G19 pistol I bought for another 500. Not much of a package deal. $800 sounds like a good deal.


New member
Thanks, guys. I've heard that the 20" bbl really quiets down the gun, and with the longer sight distance can usually be shot more accurately.

I've never owned an AR before but have shot a few rounds on one of my friend's. Would this gun be an "easy-learner?"