Bushmaster fluted/GI profiled barrel?


New member
If you spend much time in the "handguns" section of this wonderful site, you already know that I'm an indecisive sort. So here's me latest quandry...

I've got a bushmaster pre-ban with an 11.5" barrel and 5.5" flash supressor. I want to swap it over to an all bushmaster M4. I want to do the flat top, forward mounted red-dot, flip up rear site, maybe even a SWAN sleeve, but I'm undecided on the barrel..

I don't want to add ANY more weight over the current set-up. Some bushmaster 16" rifles I've held were WAY heavier. I have no intention of mounting a 203 on it, so I don't need the stepped down barrel.

My 14" choices are:

GI profile
Heavy barrel
Fluted heavy barrel

I'm afraid that accuracy may suffer if I get the GI profile. I also worry that the heavy barrel will be too much of just that... heavy.

I'm not really fond of the fluted look, but some rumors suggest that the fluted barrel is great for tight groups...

All thoughts or experiences would be appreciated! (except for the ones pointing out that I'm obsessive compulsive, or indecisive, or any of that, because I already know that, and don't need anyone's help being paranoid about it.. and if you're watching me through the window while I'm typing this, STOP IT!!! :eek: )

[This message has been edited by Onslaught (edited August 05, 2000).]


New member

While I don't have the answer for you (after all, there isn't only one right answer anyway), I am in a similar quandry, although my Bushy is a post-ban. FWIW, I currently have a shorty AK upper (A2, 14.5" heavy barrel with AK brake), which is decidedly nose-heavy. It seems to me that for the implied use (rapid acquisition, close- to medium-range weapon with forward red-dot sight), you would want as light a barrel as possible, and probably wouldn't notice any increased flexibility of the GI profile barrel. That's exactly what I'm thinking of doing with mine, with the same setup as yours, though maybe with a Knight's RIS.

Will you permanently mount a long flash-suppressor to arrive at a legal 16" length? I will unfortunately have to mount a muzzle brake to get to 16", as I don't think BM makes a 16" GI profile barrel, unless I'm mistaken. If so, somebody please straighten me out. Also, if anyone knows of a muzzle brake which would fulfill this purpose and not look heinously ugly, let me know. Thanks.



New member

Thank you so much for that first hand knowledge. The heavy barrel is definitely O-W-T out. Bushmaster SAYS that the 14" and the 11.5/5.5 weigh the same, but I didn't think so.

I've got great news for you too. Check out www.bushmaster.com for their latest offering... a 16" M4!!! That way, you could mount your choice of muzzlebrake to it, and not have to worry about the legals. Oh, and YES, I will have to have the Phantom permanently attached. I've never owned an AR-15 without a permanently attached one, so it's no loss to me. Besides, the bayonet won't fit the 16" barrel. I know, I know, I'll NEVER use a bayonet, EVER, but darnit, I've got a preban, it's got a bayo lug, I've got a bayonet, IF I WANT TO PUT IT ON, I CAN! (we all know how rampant these bank robberies with bayonet armed rifles are lately! ;) )