Bushmaster Bullpup - any reliability issues I should know about?

Warm Bore

New member
Taking a hard look at one of these. Got to handle one at the last gun show. It was a preban version and was a bit out of my price range at the time. Seems like a pretty solid system but would like to hear any comments on their reliability. Tell me what you know.

Thanks and regards,

Warm Bore


New member
At the last local 3-gun match a buddy shot a BM Bullpup. I could not restain myself from asking him why he brought a slide action rifle to a speed shoot. It was a jam master. The sights are not much good past 25 yards so one winds up using optics and losing the small size and light weight advantage of the bull pup design.

Buy a BM shorty AK with the lightweight M-4 barrel.

Warm Bore

New member

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me the pics of your baby. I read your AR15 thread and I am pretty durn impressed. You seem to be impressed as well.

Thanks a million,

Warm Bore


New member
If you do a search on the M17S you will find there are those who love them and those who hate them. Very few people are neutral on the "is it is better or not than an AR". I have one and like it. It is cleaner and cleans up faster. Mine shoots from 7/8" to 1 1/8" at 100 yards consistantly with Nosler BT handloads. The trigger takes a lot of getting use to and it needs a scope. I use a ATN 5x33L. MWT


New member
Warmbore, et al: Pictures on the way to all who requested... Updated pics are in the werks...

TomB aka ParaPyroPig

Warm Bore

New member

Thanks for the pics. They were excellent. I was going to email you some questions but, if it's alright with you, I'd like to keep the information base here high so I'll post them here.

1. Who is doing your mods?

2. Am I seeing things or have you added ports along the upper and lower sides of the receiver? And how was this accomplished?

3. Are the rails just standard Weaver rails? Are they staked into the reciever?

4. Do you see anyway the charging "nub" could be eliminated? Possibly moving a charging handle the left side similar to a FAL in operation?

Thanks for all the info and for your next set of pics get some close-ups of those mods.


Warm Bore


New member
I ain't postin' 'em cuz ah b cumpooter illiterate, suh.

I'm willi'n to send them to someone who can post, though!!!

Your answers, Warm Bore:

1. Nelson, of Gator Guns & Archery in WPB, Fl

2. After the receiver & barrel were cut back, the URA tube was ventilated with .5" holes along all four edges of the URA, thus reducing the overheating problem. The holes lighten it, too. The whole thing has been refinished in black (of course) Teflon.

3. The rails are plain old Weaver rail stock from Brownell's. They have been cut to accept the KAC panels, and will accept all KAC & milspec goodies.

4. I have filed the handle down even further, and dehorned it too (after I damn near cut my cheek open on the sharp rear corners - D'oh!). Kurt of Kurt's Kustom is working on adapting an FN FAL charging handle to the M17S, so that it would lay flat when not in use.

TomB / P3