Bushmaster AR-15 Trigger


New member
I took my Bushmaster to the range for the first time the other day. It is so sad to have a rifle for over a year and not have the time to shoot it. Overall, the gun was great. On paper quickly, accurate and a fun shooter. One big minus that I sort of expected was the trigger. Wow, what a disappointment! It was worse than I expected. It is time to start thinking about a nice two stage. I hear good things about the RRA trigger. Any suggestions?



New member
I had the RRA included in my build last year, have no complaints. I've not used any other 2-stage triggers before so I can't compare it to anything.


New member
I hear good things about the RRA trigger.

The standard AR trigger is a machine gun trigger. Open the rifle & watch the hammer as you pull the trigger on the cocked hammer—be sure to use some means to prevent the hammer from stricking the back of the mag well! The mag well can break! On all the single-stage stock AR triggers I've seen, you'll actually see the trigger camming the hammer back before releasing it. Getting rid of that creep with a single-stage trigger is possible, but not recommended, as it requires a "hard fit," is too easy to jar off, and wears out of whack quickly.

The RR trigger is an excellent value. We (Fulton Armory) offer the RR trigger as standard on all but our entry-level M16/M4 clones. We supplied the RR trigger as a component, with our Liberator upper receiver assembly, to a number of units serving in Iraq as the "M16 EBR Kit." The ensemble has been well-received.




New member
I have the RRA two stage in my AR. Its a major improvement over the stock trigger. It does take some time to get use to a two stage but once that happens you will value it over anything else. Now the RRA is good deal, but it should be cleaned up a bit with a polishing tool. I heard the LMT two stage is more refined but it costs more. If you want the best trigger than Geissele is second to none, of course it comes at a price.

Here is a good article on the different triggers for the AR.

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New member
Love my RRA

When shooting it and in the zone, man this trigger is AWESOME. I recently shot my buddys A2 bushy and pshhht going to THAT from my ar. My hand trembled from pulling such a dirty trigger so hard. Then smack. the shot would go off. Hated his scope too was a mil-dot wana be had a dot right where the reticles met it.....Back on subject.
RRA trigger is great. If you really wanna be picky it could use some polishing to get rid of the slight rubbing feeling when pulling it. Low cots, great trigger. Even when shooting quickly its awesome.
+1 RRA 2 stage, you wont regret it. Nor your wallet.


New member
I just bought a RRA two stage. Would not work installed in any receiver I owned, including the RRA receiver. Sent it to RRA and they fine tuned it for free. I now want them in all my ar lowers!


I'm using the excellent JP single-stage trigger/hammer combo. Get a creepless pull of just under 3#, with no discernible overtravel. After several thousand rounds, no failures yet.


New member
I have a Bushmaster lower with the stock trigger I've been using for five years with zero problems. It is heavy, but breaks clean enough. Even with imported ball ammo, it will shoot under 2 inches at 100 yards. With handloads and the right factory ammo, it cuts those groups down more than half size. The trigger has smoothed out with use. I keep the engagement surfaces clean and apply some Tetra Gun grease and wipe off the excess from time to time.

Use it awhile, access your needs, and if you are going to compete in matches, upgrade the trigger by all means. There are so many gizmos to attach to an AR15, I could spend so much time looking through my Brownells catalog that I don't have time to shoot. :)

moose fat

New member
I have the JP trigger also and it is excellent. Also my cousin-in-law has an older Bushy with their match trigger assembly and it is "sweet" too.


New member
I have a DPMS trigger in my AR, but the reciever allows it to be adjusted...I have the screw all the way in, and Im just a twitch away from happiness :)


New member
I've got the RRA 2 stage in my scoped heavy barrel AR and it's great. Just got a new Bushy lower for my M4 with the standard trigger and that trigger is awful, after about 50 rounds your trigger finger feels ready to fall off. This thread reminds me it's time to order another RRA