Bushmaster advertisement


New member
Rightly or wrongly, Bushmaster has now become a household word. If the name was little known before this incident, this is no longer the case now. Again, rightly or wrongly, I'll bet the sale of Bushmasters skyrocket.


New member
Bushmaster makes a quality product. Those of us who enjoy this hobby, have always known about their high standards etc. I just hope, that some money grubbing lawyer, will not make this company defend itself in a stupid lawsuit, which will make their already rather pricey items, go up, up, and away...



New member
You can say a lot of bad things about the sniper, and all of them would be true, but at least he had the intelligence to pick a quality weapon. Perhaps he even came to TFL for advice???

aikidoka - mks

New member
I wonder if anyone will sue Chevrolet for making a car that can be modified to be a "killing machine" and helping the killers avoid detection. scarcasm off

One of my lunch buddies asked me what a Bushmaster was. I told him that right now they were the top manufacturer of the AR15 type rifles. The cost was $800 on the average, he shrugged and turned to order his food. Never another question about it.


New member
Hmmm...I may have to get me a 20 inch, free floated, stainless-barreled, flat-top upper to help defray their legal costs. :)

The sale of Bushies will increase, but the house-hold name recognition will fade away. Hi-Point carbines sold pretty well after Columbine, but how many average ding-dongs know what you mean when you say "Hi-Point" anymore?

Sometimes the vacuousness of the general public helps us.