Bush Wins


New member
Give Thanks

At this time, I would encourage all who read this to, just for a second, bow their heads and give thanks to the LORD for the victory He has given to His servant George. It has truly been a contest between the forces of Righteousness, and the forces of Satan.

May He also cause Al Gore to surrender at this time, and finally concede this election.


New member
Now the Sore/Loserman team is forced to try to overturn an election through the courts.

This will be a bad precedent to attempt. It is my fervant hope that it is ultimately used to bury as much of the Marxist cause as possible.

These people are extremely dangerous.

Stay on point people for the next bomb that is dropped by these thugs!


New member
I think this is the wooden stake diven into the Clinton/Gore heart. It should be over now, but we had better bury them under a pyramid in order to make sure.
Gore will be remembered by what he tried to do after the election. It is not a pretty story. No doubt it will give future sleezy politicans a bad example.
But I am happy right now for Bush and our side.


New member
Well after four times and w winning each time it will be harder for algore to keep on.......but he says he will....so its not over until w is inaugurated......I hope w has big broom to sweep the trash out of the w. house....fubsy.


New member
"so its not over until w is inaugurated"...ditto

The bad guys already said they weren't through just yet.


New member
Listening now to the legalese of the pathetic lawyer for Gore now on C-Span.

We will now witness the attempt of Sore/Loserman to sue their way into the Whitehouse.

His legitimacy will be non-existant if he succeeds.


New member
Friends and countrymen, This election is now put out to public opinion.... I guarantee you that the courts will rule how the people feel. Now is the time to arise and show your support for our newly elected President. Lets keep those letters and phone calls going to our reps and the media to voice our opinion that this election is over and Gore should concede.

MP Freeman

New member
Bush wins. :)

I really don't know what else to say. Other than to say, I wish Mr. Harry Brown would have pulled a HUGE suprise upset this time.


tony stapleton

New member
This is the way liberals operate. Can anyone doubt that they would not attempt to take your firearms away?
Dubya will have to fumigate the Justice department no doubt. But beware of Senator Hillary in the future. She is the ominous one to deal with in the future.

Dennis Olson

New member
What else is there to say?


DIE fascist liberal pond scum. Outta the Whorehouse. It's back to being the WHITEHOUSE.


New member
Everybody Pressure Gore & the Dems to Concede!!!

This thing is still not over! The only way that Gore will concede if he is getting pressured to do so. Contact every Democrat Congressman and Senator that you can think of, starting with your own. We need to light up the phone lines and fax machines BIG TIME!

You can get contact info at http://www.nraila.org

and at http://www.gunowners.org

If anyone has Al Gore's contact info, please post it as well!

Go get em!



New member
News Flash, The Fat Lady Refuses to Sing with out court order.

Talahasee, Fla.

Unconfirmed sources say that the "Fat Lady" rumored
earlier to be warming up in Fla for a recital to be given
in Fla on Sunday,Nov 26,2000
featuring Al Gore's Swan Song
now refuses to sing without a
court order from the US Supreme Court.

A tentative date for Al Gore's Swan Song has been
penciled in sometime between Dec 1,2000 and
Dec. 12, 2000 ,depending upon the tenacity of
the Sore/Looserman Team.