Bush speaks


New member

Bush Wants to Reduce Gun Violence

Monday, May 14, 2001

WASHINGTON - President Bush, stepping back
into the gun-control debate, is renewing his
pledge to help communities and states combat gun

Bush was visiting Philadelphia on Monday to highlight
his efforts to catch gun offenders. Bush has advocated ``vigorously''
enforcing laws involving gun crimes and said it should be a priority to keep
juveniles from obtaining guns.

Underscoring the contentiousness of the issue, a gun-control advocacy
group was airing ads urging him to support mandatory background
checks for customers at gun shows.

``Felons in 32 states can get guns at gun shows with no questions asked,
and resell them on our streets,'' the radio spot says. ``That's why we need
a national law requiring background checks at all gun shows.''

The 60-second ad was being run in Philadelphia
Monday by Americans for Gun Safety of Rosslyn, Va.,
founded by Andrew McKelvey, the creator of the
Monster.com online job referral service.

The group's mission statement says it ``supports the
rights of individuals who own firearms and seeks
stronger new laws and tougher enforcement of current
laws to help keep guns out of the hands of criminals and
kids, and to make guns safer in the home.''

Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., has proposed requiring a
three-day waiting period on gun show purchases, and
Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Joseph Lieberman,
D-Conn., plan to introduce similar legislation.

Bush said during the presidential campaign that he
supported closing gun show loopholes.

With Monday's trip to Philadelphia, the president was returning to an
issue that was a thorny one for him during last year's campaign.
Democratic rival Al Gore appealed to urban and suburban voters by
painting Bush as pro-gun. Bush, then the governor of Texas, appealed to
his rural base by defending firearm owners' rights.

Bush's proposed 2002 budget includes $49.8 million for states to establish
programs for increasing arrests and prosecution of gun offenders.

The budget also contains $75 million in federal matching funds for
ChildSafe, which provides law enforcement agencies with kits containing
trigger locks and lessons on safe gun storage.

An additional $20 million would provide grants to support state-level
prosecutions of gun offenders and establish ``safe school'' task forces
involving local police and schools.

The Justice Department's budget request also includes $9 million for a
federal-state partnership to prosecute juvenile gun offenders and crack
down on illegal gun traffickers selling to children. It creates 94 new
positions in U.S. attorneys' offices for a partnership to identify and
prosecute juvenile offenders and those who supply guns to them.

Also Monday, Bush was meeting with Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua of
the city's archdiocese.

Monday's trip was his third to Pennsylvania, a swing state that went
narrowly to Gore in November. He travels to the state again on Friday to
promote his national energy strategy.


my thoughts?
Well, I'm very unhappy about his comments about the "gunshow loophole".... yesterday I was waving around a placard that said "The 2nd Amendment is NOT a loophole!" At least I can (sorta) take heart knowing that it would be MUCH MUCH worse if Gore were there....



Moderator Emeritus
On a semi-related note:

It is only a matter of time until we see the notation, "D-Ariz" after McCain's name. Mark my words...


New member
I did not vote for this man so that I would have to take background checks at gunshows or anywhere else for that matter.


New member
Bush Proposes Hiring Scores of Gun Prosecutors (Reuters)
Wading into the contentious issue of guns in America, President Bush announced a plan on Monday to hire scores of new federal, state and local attorneys to boost prosecution of gun crimes.
For the full story, go to:

Bush Aims To Reduce Gun Violence (Associated Press)
President Bush unveiled a new initiative to combat gun violence Monday, pledging an ``unprecedented partnership'' between federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.
For the full story, go to:


New member
153.8 million $

Well,that will go a long way to destroy our 2nd Amendment.

I guess it dose create more jobs. 94 new positions in the Attorneys office.
A "Safe School" task force involving local police and schools.
New jobs for the gun lock mfgs.
The Gunshows are looking like they will just be a memory.

What more can we ask for? It wont be long and the Million Moms will be out of a job and go to work for the Attorneys office.

Yep, ol McCain will have the big D as if he isn`t already.


New member
I just have one question for you folks in AZ who voted for McCain: Why? Was it because he was a "war hero"? or was it something else like the lessor of two evils theory?

In Texas we have a similar situation with Kay Bailey Hutchison, but by God, I vote against her in the primaries whenever I can, and speak out against her ignorance. BTW, she ain't as bad as McCain, she just doesn't know what she's doing nor does she grasp the gravity of her position. McCain knows exactly what he's doing, the gravity of his position, and he's doing everything possible to destroy the America I was born in.


Whoa up, there, pa'dner...

"I'm really starting to despise the Republican party... I won't be making the same mistake next election."

...you're mixing the President's comments with the propaganda from fanatics of a gun-control organization and the billionaire one-world'er who funds it!

Read carefully, please, before you condemn...

Christopher II

New member
Okay, sure, no prob. I could have misread Bush's intentions, so let's go back and take a look.

"Bush's proposed 2002 budget includes $49.8 million for states to establish programs for increasing arrests and prosecution of gun offenders."

"Bush has advocated "vigorously" enforcing laws involving gun crimes and said it should be a priority to keep juveniles from obtaining guns."

"Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., has proposed requiring a three-day waiting period on gun show purchases, and Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., plan to introduce similar legislation."

So, we've got Bush advocating "vigorous" enforcement of unconstitutional gun laws (instead of "vigorously" advocating their repeal...), McCain proposing new gun contol laws, and a budget proposal that intends to take yet more of my money and spend it trying to make it still more difficult to purchase a gun. Wonderful.

I have lots of political differences with the Republicans, but I'd been willing in the past to put all that aside, because gun control is the most important issue to me. Now, we see the GOP backing away from their pro-gun stance. There ain't nothing left in the party for me to support, friend. Until the Republicans demonstrate the courage of their convictions, I will continue to view them in roughly the same light that I view week-old haggas in.
