New member
Can't watch real news at work so I'm stuck with CNN (99% fact free!), and nearly fell out of my chair when it was announced that Louie Freeh was asked by GW to stay on as FBI Director. Say it ain't so, and if it is true, what caused him to become an overnight moron??????

Brett Bellmore

New member
Probably the fact that Freeh is on the outs with Clinton, (The enemy of my enemy...) and that's one appointment he doesn't have to push past the Senate. Assuming that he can get Ashcroft past the Senate, I'm not too worried about Freeh.


New member
Dubya better put a leash on that mutt. I have a really hard time putting that jackbooter in charge when he promotes the SAC at Ruby Ridge to deputy director, not to mention his wanting to keep NICS records for 18 months when congress said 24 hours. Not to mention the enemy of my enemy IS MY ENEMY! Thought he would know this after IRAQ. This man is a grave danger to liberty!

Brett Bellmore

New member
David: Now, did he WANT to do those things, or was he ORDERED to do those things? I'm not expressing an opinion here, just asking.

Granted, anyone Clinton would consider appointing to anything is probably an enemy of freedom. Bush doesn't necessarilly have to replace all of Clinton's appointees instantly, though...


New member
Verrrry good point, Brett. Not certain, but it would sure ease my rear to hear the man come out and state for the record he was ordered to act like a facist. Would be even better if he would follow it up with some action. Me thinks I would have had to resign and blow the whistle if slicky boy had ordered me to do any of it, but thats just me.


Yeah, he promoted Larry Potts, or did it under the order of the president. Freeh is also a Democrat, say they talking heads.

Freeh stuck his head out and called for an investigation of the Clinton administration in the China-gate missile sales travesty. Reno refused and got rid of Charles Labella (?) who was due to be US Atty out of SanDiego.

The NICS thing worries me. We should find some Louis Freeh quotes and post them here.


Jeff Thomas

New member
Off my mouse pad ....

The American people must be willing to give up a degree of personal privacy in exchange for safety and security. Louis Freeh, 1993, FBI Director

as contrasted with ...

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin, 1759

Regards from AZ


New member
IMO doing something because you were ordered to is worse then doing it because you wanted to. Anyone who lacks the guts to refuse to do what they know is wrong is worthless to begin with and is as or more guilty then the originating party - honor will never be found in following orders, it will only be found in doing that which is right. However, this guy sounds like the only thing he would not want to do is allow any freedom to be retained.

Hell of a contrast in the two quotes above.


Doing something because you were ordered to is EXACTLY why the Nuremburg Trials occurred. Most of those guys who tried to say "Ve vere only followink orders" were either killed or put away for the rest of their lives. So GWB keeps this guy? Sometimes, you need to pick your fights. Maybe GWB didn't feel the need to fight this battle right now? LH has always bothered me, if for no other reason than he seems to be more politician than anything else. And I don't trust ANY politicians.


New member
With the opposition to Ashcroft for AG growing, maybe he felt that he didn't need additional distractions in these sensitive posts at the present time.
Freeh and Tenet can be replaced later if necessary without as much hullaballoo.
In addition, both of these men are probably in possession of a great deal of politically sensitive information about our soon-to-be beloved ex-CIC.
If these guys were on the way out, the shredding machines in their respective departments would probably be running 24/7!


New member
Uh, scud, I don't think honor has been a requirement to become the head of a federal agency since Jan '93.