Bush is in. NOW is the time to push for...

Dave R

New member
Amen. That is my most desired outcome. If we can get the Reps and Senators from states who have CCW's to support it through the legislature, we can get it through both houses and to the President's desk. (Man, it feels GOOD to say President and mean Bush!) I do believe he would sign it. I think it would take a Democratic filibuster to prevent it.

Let's go to work!
National CCW. Isn't that a two edged sword? It kind of affirms that a Right will be accepted as a privilege.....easily revoked on a National basis at a later time. Be careful what you ask for....you just might get it. ;)

The Constitution is my CCW.

Dark Avenger

New member
I am with Rich L. on this one. There is no authority nor need for a national CCW. However, forcing every state to recognize any other state's CCW license might be the way to go.

Mr. Pub

New member
Well, for starters, reverse all anti-gun executive orders that have been given and stretch the limits of executive orders for things we want. This way you don't have to involve congress. This would include loosening up imports for things we want, like a slim-lined Glock 9mm & .40.

Install someone who is pro-2nd amendment in charge of ATF.

As far a congress goes. Perhaps the most important would be to reaffirm the 2nd amendment as an individual right - in order to hopefully assist future Supreme Courts who may rule on this. Except for the liberals, what congressperson is going to want to go on record as opposing this?

In order to sell a nationwide reciprocating CCW, include nationwide rights for local police to carry. This way you would get all of the police unions & organizations to support the bill. This does require some thought as you don't want to overly involve the Federal Govt. in carry issues, but I do think that people who live in non-carry states should have the option to get a Federal CCW if their state or city won't grant them one. Local and state tyranny can be just as bad a federal tyranny.

Reimburse gun companies for state and local nusance lawsuits out of state and local funds.


New member
I would rather keep the feds out of it. Our work is just begun, more elections coming in two years. Time is now to work on getting more of the thieves out of office. At all levels from animal control to the White House. If we can hammer on each and every state and county, the country will heal.

"Less government, more individual responsibility."...JBS

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Someone mentioned that there is no authority for a fede3ral CCW license. This is absolutely true. Do you really want to hand that power to the fed.gov?

Reciprocity is an interesting idea, but again, we're not talking about a marriage or a legal contract, we're talking about a license. I'm not sure a reciprocity law would be legal, and if it were, whether it's a good idea. If people in Texas want to require training whereas people in Indiana don't, let them solve things their own way.

The emphasis should not be on forcing Bush and a very slim majority in Congress to commit political suicide this early, but on getting them to fight against new gun control while we work on the rollback on the local level. We won't get everything back in four or eight years and if we try, the antis will be laughing at us as their candidates take back Congress in 2002.

A big step for Bush, and still a victory for us, would be to get him to reverse his position on full-cap mags (banning importation of pre-bans.) Even that is going to be almost impossible to get, but it would be a great step.


Moderator Emeritus
Don't forget NRA's statement about "working out of the Oval Office." That statement caused Bush to distance himself from the NRA, and hence gun owners, during the election, and the NRA did the same thing in kind. (No formal endorsement)

Don't expect that to change. Bush cannot be considered a true and faithful ally, but he is not our enemy (Gore) either. Bush is *so* much better than Gore would have been, yet we still need to continue the fight.


New member
The last thing I want to see is Congress deciding what the rules are going to be for a national CCW. What I thought interesting is Justice Clarence Thomas's majority opinion concerning the suit filed on the Brady bill and the 10th Amendment. From what I could understand, Justice Thomas was absolutely ready to toss the entire law out as a violation of the Second Amendment rather than debate as to whether the Feds had the right to impose upon the States to do their bidding without paying for it. If Clarence is still so inclined, it might be best to get all the garbage in front of the Supreme Court and get this monkey off our backs for good. Even the NRA seems to be in a compromise position with regard to firearms legislation and I DO NOT WANT the federal government even having the capability of tracking law abiding citizens-it might be okay one day, but you can bet it will be used against law abiding citizens come the next administration, or the one after that.This, in my humble opinion, is NOT open for compromise-if it were, the Second Amendment would say so clearly. GW seems to want to compromise-just look his stand on "assault weapons". Too many otherwise good politicans willing to compromise on our rights because they want to look like they're doing something......beware!!


New member
He needs to be pressured to NOT pardon Clinton. Justice belongs to us all even when the criminal was the President.

Pardoning a criminal because you hope to get the same treatment when you exit the office is fool's work. Bush should see the writing on the wall. His successor will not pardon him.

Airing the criminal acts of this artrocious excuse for an American would do this country good.


Here is the letter I wrote to President Bush.

George W. Bush
Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 12428
Austin, Texas 78711-2428

President Bush,
I wish to extend my congratulations on winning the 2000 Presidential Election. This is an historic time. You and the Republicans probably won't get another chance to right all the wrongs that have been done to this country if you don't ACT NOW and steer our ship of state into safe harbor. The Democrats have steered our ship of state into socialistic waters far too long. It is time that the conservatives cease their ‘compromising' with the liberals and finally take a stand.

1. Disband the IRS.

2. Pass tort reform.

3. Pass election finance reform.

4. Strengthen our military.

5. Repeal all gun control acts.

6. Put everybody into Social Security.

7. Remove us from the United Nations.

8. Repeal all of the federal welfare, education and housing programs.

9. End the ‘War on Drugs' and pardon over 1 million political prisoners.

10. Repeal ALL Executive Orders and Presidential Directives, current and future.

Finally, you need to go on television and tell the country EXACTLY what you will do over the next four years. Tell us that you expect divisiveness and protraction from the left, especially in the media. Regarding the media, I suggest that all Republicans go on the offensive against the media. Make sure that EVERY cameraman, reporter, editor, publisher and owner of a media outlet understand that if they continue distorting the truth, you will no longer allow them nor anyone from their organization access to any of your portion of the government. If we all end up going to FOX NEWS to get the truth on a daily basis, so be it. Tell us that you will stand tough and not waiver on all the ‘goals' you have set out and then stand tough and don't waiver. When the Democrats demagogue the issues, they will be seen as the dividers of this country.

Tell us about your belief in God and how this country was FOUNDED by people who also believed that God should guide this country. That we should all worship ‘the God of our choice' across the land. Then ask that God guide and keep us all, especially all our other leaders, in the coming trials and tribulations of the months ahead. Ask them to pray for you, asking God to grant you the wisdom necessary to bring this country back on track.



New member
Wallew-Great letter.

Suggestion. Each of us should take five minutes and send a similiar letter in our own words to the President-Elect. Like any PUBLIC SERVANT, he needs to hear from the public so he knows how we want him to serve us.


New member
The least we can ask him to do is to undo all those illegal executive ordes that have stopped the importation of semi-auto parts sets and magazines. We must demand that no new gun laws will be signed. We should also demand that the ATF be reigned in BIG TIME and suggest that some sort of DOJ investigation into the legality of what is going down in Kalifornia. We must insist on being recognized instead of being dismissed as we were after the 96 turnover .

Ed Brunner

New member
If You Do Write W...

Leave out the part on election finance reform. Campaign Finance Reform as defined by McCain Feingold is not the answer.


New member
A national shall issue CCW bill without onerous restrictions would be a tremendous step forward and of pratical consequence for millions of people. Sometimes, folks get so incestously enthralled in the words "shall not" that you can't smell the coffee.

CCW bills save lives and extending it from 32 to 50 states would save more. It also would be a tremendous statement that citizens can and should have guns to protect themselves.

I beseech you from the bowels of Christ that if such a measure looks like it has a chance of passage, drop the absolutist fanatic jargon and GO FOR IT!!

Oops, flame war stuff from me - bad EG