Bush: "I wanted people to see the truth"

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George W. Bush and Dick Cheney use classified information about vital national security matters for naked political purposes—often character assassination—and when they do so, they feel free to lie about it. Amazing.


Tune in for the Scandal of the Week!!

Another attempt by the leftist/Democrat/socialists and their media lap doge to create a "Scandal of the Week.":barf:

Funny how all the "Scandals" never amount to anything and keep going away...:rolleyes:


New member
Funny how all the "Scandals" never amount to anything and keep going away...

Yeah, come back when it's something vitally important to national security. You know, like lying about his sex life. ;)


You're absolutely right - Democrat/socialist/leftist politicians should be able to commit perjury, tamper with witnesses and suborn perjury and not have to pay the price for those crimes - all felonies - like we commoners would.:barf:


New member
Leaking something sensitive for their own political gain is nothing new, every administration, Democrat or Republican, does it.

The problem is they made no mention of CIA reports that say there probably weren't WMD, which implies that they railroaded the war through regardless of what evidence they had. But, hey, "whatever!" As long as it's "conservative" and not "liberal," everything is A-OK, no matter what they do.


i guess nothing any corrupt crooked assed politicians says or does surprises me anymore..... WHAT IF THEY HELD AN ELECTION AN NOBODY CAME?
a friend of mine has never voted because he has yet to see anyone worth voting for


Nope - I was referring to Mr. Clinton's criminal activities.

You know, BryanP is right - it really is too much to expect a so-called "man" like Clinton to live a life of honesty, integrity and honor.

His sexual incontinence just provided us all a window through which we could all view his shallow, corrupt, arrogant and narcisstic personality and soul - if those qualities were not already blatantly obvious in him.


New member
The perjury charge arose from Clinton's testimony. It doesn't matter what it was about, it was testimony under oath.

In other news, declassified means not classified.



New member
I'm sorry, you just don't sit the biggest boss in the land in a supreme court just to ask 'did you nail this fat piggy'? The friggen pope woulda denied layin it down to Ms. lewinsky, I woulda denied it, so would you. Nobody died in doing so. Fast forward a term or 2...

Many politicians have been very corrupt over the last couple hundred years, some, like huey long (or stalin), have even been able to maintain the guise of competency, actually working, and even maybe made it seem like things were done for the betterment of the nation (or bayou).

Bush, through his appointees (Rumsfeld, Brownie, Ashcroft, homeland security bungholewhatshisname) and himself have proven imcompetent, reckless, corrupt, lazy (can we PLEASE stop with the vacation days! No more vacation for 3 years motherf...), and seemingly working only for corporate america. They've sent at least 3 of my close friends to a ****ty nation, for a ****ty reason, with a ****ty plan. And then they've tried to use 9/11 as a complete and total reasoning for why they should have a blank check to do it with.

the first iraq war cost 5 billion dollars...we're now going on 300 billion. Someone needs to call their daddy.

Also, hypothetically someone else comes out in objection of something the president is saying...The president decides to 'declassify' something else...that gets someone killed or actually does jeopardize the security of our nation (or it's american agents), are we going to do something then? or just wave it by again? In ww2 this would have been treason on anyone less than the prez...but I guess those were pre 9/11 times.

Only in amurica can the best tactic in spinning something is to call it something else...that's not leaking, it's declassifying, it's not torture, it's only stressful, not civilians, insurgents, it's not a deficit, it's an antipositive budget plan...I can't wait for bush to get busted picking his nose so he can reply that he's only pointing at his brain...


Bottom line: Bill Clinton is above the law

Fast forward a term or 2...
Nope - not so fast...
I'm sorry, you just don't sit the biggest boss in the land in a supreme court just to ask 'did you nail this fat piggy'? The friggen pope woulda denied layin it down to Ms. lewinsky, I woulda denied it, so would you. Nobody died in doing so.
The fact remains that Clinton comitted perjury and should have been put out off office for it. At the time of his perjury, there were 100+ people sitting in prison for doing the exact same thing he did.

There is no reason he should have gotten off scot-free. He comitted a felony crime, got caught red-handed at it, and should ave had to pay the same price for it as any other criminal. But he didnt, because his Democrat lap dogs that controlled the Senate and his Senate trial manipulated the process to prevent him from being forced from office.

So there you go - Bill Clinton is above the law.

That, my friend, is what I take issue with - not him shagging some blue dress skank.
Nobody died in doing so.


New member
The fact of purjury only remains after the fact that HE SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN ASKED. Not over that, not there, not like that. Besides, the punishment should fit the crime, and being publicly busted for boning lewensky AAAAND being married to the antichrist is far worse than anything we could ever do to him. (sitting in jail must be like a vacation from hillary! If you wanna offer him some vacation, go right ahead) If you want more than that just find him on the street and kick him in the nuts, otherwise we've got someone else ruining this country I'd like to fight about...


New member
Actually I think he should have been prosecuted for perjury. I just find it amusing that right wingers will go through various convoluted postures to excuse anything a Republican may do while the left does the same for their pet Dem's.

Usually the arguments boil down to "But this is DIFFERENT!" And the only thing different about it is it's your guy.

So, anybody buy any nice guns lately?


New member
President Clinton is no longer in office, and his actions/sex life (and the impeachment proceedings) are irrelevant with regard to President Bush and/or the war in Iraq.

Yes, we know. Bush lied and kids died. No blood for oil. :barf: Actually, Karl Rove [:eek: KARL ROVE! :eek: ] planned everything so that the maximum number of American soldiers would die. Every time an American soldier dies, President Bush celebrates. In fact, there is a secret contract with a provision that provides Haliburton with a bonus every time an American soldier dies.

This is the truth, folks. It is well documented by the Democratic Underground..... Dang it! I just sat on my tin foil hat. :mad:

And releasing information to the public! How dare the President do that! Only John Kerry, the Democratic Undergound, and Moveon.org have the authority to release of information to the public. That is treason! I know it is true, because I heard it on Air America. :D

This is the best that the Democrats can do? I'm actually disappointed. Man, Moveon.org had better get some new people to join this Forum, or at least come up with a better attack. I expect better in the future. :D


New member
"The fact of purjury only remains after the fact that HE SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN ASKED. Not over that, not there, not like that. "

So what you're saying is, President Clinton is above the law.

This thread is just chock full of shining examples of humanity, isn't it? Where do y'all come from? Do you own a firearm?


New member
Huey Long

My Great-Granma loved The Kingfisher, he gave her a state "Old Folks" check every month. (((((((SARCASM))))))))

Like the telephone intercept scandal, the same thing was done under Kennedy and then Johnson, and oh yeah, Nixon, Ford, Carter, and even Slick Willy. I think it even started before Kennedy. Big Brother is Big Brother. But now it's a big deal!!!
Why? Politics is Politics............it is a shame we often vote for the lesser of two evils.


New member
I didn't think that clinton was above the law, I just think that having the whole country pull up a chair to hear whether or not you bagged an ugly chick is a bit much. So the bar's come down since kennedy & monroe, no need to put a guy in jail over it. If you wanna take that as 'above the law', you're mistaken, nobody's above the law, It's just that as a courtesy, the boss gets to bag the assistants/interns, has been that way since the beginning of time.


"The fact of purjury only remains after the fact that HE SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN ASKED. Not over that, not there, not like that. "

Perjury is perjury, and it is a felony - period. Other people go to jail for it - just like the greasy weasel (AKA Slick Willie) should have.
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