Bush advocates "smart guns"

Guy B. Meredith

New member
In the debate with McCain, Bush says he does not feel that requiring trigger locks is useful as compliance cannot be monitored. He says that "smart guns" will be the better solution.

If he is not anti-gun, he definitely needs education. Or is he just playing both sides with realization practical "smart guns" won't happen?

Munro Williams

New member
Bush is just saying whatever his advisors tell him to say.
The Dems'll eat either him or McCain for breakfast come November.
The only candidate of any character and intelligence is Alan Keyes. He's the only one who can beat the Democrats. What, pray tell, can the average voter get from Bush or McCain that he or she can't get from Clinton or Gore?
Mark my words, registration and confiscation will be policy through Executive Orders unless Keyes wins.



New member
this was posted on AR15.com http://forums.ar15.com/Forum3/HTML/008581.html
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>As some of you know, I got an opportunity to chat with Gov. Bush. I wanted to get my concerns across and find out how he felt
about some things. I transcribed most of the conversation below...

I meet the Gov. and after the introductions, I asked him the following...


On September 13, 2004, The "assault weapons" ban will sunset. If Congress at anytime during your administration passes
legislation to make the ban permanent, will you sign it or veto it?

His answer:

I will not sign it. If it passes congress, which I am very doubtful that it will, it will happen during the later part of 2004. If I
signed that, it would be political suicide and I know it. Quite a few Congressmen lost their jobs because of this law. I doubt
that it will even get out of committee so I hopefully won't have to deal with it.

next question:

How do you feel about a national CCW law?


Several of my people have been looking into that. If congress passed a law mandating reciprocation or a law granting shall
issue I would sign it.


So you think that a permit system would work better than the "Vermont style" laws? Where a person doesn't need a permit to
exersise his or her right to carry.


Nice question (laugh). Yeah I would sign that. I don't think Congress will ever pass a law like that though.


I know you haven't choosen a running mate yet but, would you consider Alan Keyes as a possible candidate?


Why? I mean, I haven't discounted anyone at this time.


Well, you would get a lot more of the 80 million gun owners votes, as well as the votes of more of the hard line conservatives
like the pro-life crowd.

His Response:

hmmmmm... I will consider that. You do make a good point. I haven't choosen anyone yet but I will give that some very
serious thought. Let me ask you something, do you think me choosing Alan Keyes would cause me to lose any votes?

My response:

Maybe a few votes from bigoted rednecks but I believe that you would gain many more votes.

His response:

You seem to have given this a lot of thought. I will really think about this. Thanks for your input.

We chatted for a few minutes more (I actually got about 15 minutes) and then he had to prepare for the press conference.

I really enjoyed talking with Gov. Bush, he is a very pleasant person to talk too.

I feel that I got my concerns across to him, how he will act or react once in office I don't know. I do feel alot better about him

[This message has been edited by dZ (edited March 02, 2000).]


New member
I don't know about ya'll, but this Texan is Voting Keyes. Bush is OK, I mean- he'd be better than Gore, but I don't want better than______. I want the best. In November, I will vote for the most Pro-gun candidate on the ballot. Might be Browne, or it might be Bush. I heard Browne on the Michael Reagan Show the other night, and I was quite impressed with the man. He's almost on Keyes' level of independent, critical thought.