Bush Admin. a wholly owned subsidiary of NRA?

Chuck Dye

New member
The clock radio woke me to this treasure...



ANNCR: The sniper incident in the Washington area has prompted calls for a national database containing the "ballistic fingerprints" of all weapons sold in the U.S. The NRA and the Bush White House are opposed. Commentator Les AuCoin and columnist Arianna Huffington think NRA and Administration arguments are inconsistent, at best...

Before Arianna Huffington was a national liberal columnist, she was the fiercely supportive spouse of a rich conservative who tried to buy a U.S. Senate in California.

When her marriage ended in divorce after Michael Huffington lost to Dianne Feinstein, Arianna began writing professionally. No one
knows what happened on her journey from conservatism to liberalism- and it's probably none of our business anyway.

What we do know is that Arianna's laser analysis of political events has won her a large national audience.

Which brings me to her comments on the Washington area sniper, the call for a national ballistics database, the thug tactics of the National Rifle Association and the inconsistencies of the NRA's wholly owned subsidiary, the Bush Administration. (emphasis added-Huck Phinn)

Every gun and rifle leaves distinctive marks on the bullets they fire. That's how police established that the rifle found in the car of the suspected sniper had brought down the thirteen victims.

The technology that detects these bullet "fingerprints" is so promising that many experts advocate using it to create a national database-something that just might have saved lives by shortening the search for the Washington area sniper.

But the toughs over at the NRA have trained their political guns on this proposal. This shouldn't surprise anyone: the NRA has never been willing to make the slightest concession to public safety.

According to Arianna Huffington, the NRA says it's concerned about the potential invasion of privacy of innocent, law-abiding citizens. The Bush White House is espousing the same line. And that's ironic, Huffington points out, because the Bush Administration's so-called USA Patriot Act authorizes the government to secretly check the book borrowing habits of innocent, law-abiding citizens who use public libraries.

As pressure grows to adopt a national database, President Bush has not directly attacked the idea. Instead, Huffington writes, he has consigned it to the political graveyard called "for further study."

Huffington says its funny how the president turns oddly studious when technology proposals run counter to his political aims-and those of his supporters. She says she'll remind him of that the next time he seeks another seven billion dollars for his pie-in-the-sky missile defense shield.

"Mixed results" there haven't given him any qualms at all.


This guy and the radio network soak up a lot of tax money.

And my liberal friends ask why I haven't "pledged."


New member
Arianna is a smart lady but I think she is a little too impressed with herself.

She is very good looking and got a lot of face time - especially a few years ago. I think she has been seduced by the glamor of the left - the rich, the famous, the popular, etc.

She was very used to the lifestyle and I imagine that she found being too conservative to be too isolating.

Just my opinion - funny how it seems people slide from the left to the right more than right to left...

Chuck Dye

New member
Churchill, and others, pointed out that

If you are not a liberal when you are young, you haven't a heart.

If you are not a conservative when you grow older, you haven't a brain.


New member
And that's ironic, Huffington points out, because the Bush Administration's so-called USA Patriot Act authorizes the government to secretly check the book borrowing habits of innocent, law-abiding citizens who use public libraries.

This is why Bush is a major hypocrite. He supports gun rights, according to these folks, but supports the complete destruction of the 4th and 5th amendments.


New member
Bad==Bush wholly owned subsidary of the NRA

Good==Clinton a wholly owned subsidary of MMM, VPC, Brady, American for Handgun Safety, HUD lawsuits against gun manufacturers.

The lady has no standing before my court.


New member
Arianna always confuses me (admittedly not a difficult task :)).

AFA the Bush Administration and the NRA being so close, could someone explain to me why we don't have a National CCW? Much obliged...


New member
Someone who begins with such a loaded sentance as this:

Before Arianna Huffington was a national liberal columnist, she was the fiercely supportive spouse of a rich conservative who tried to buy a U.S. Senate in California.
can only be preaching to the choir.


New member
Lessee..mixed results?

All recent SDI tests..........successful.
All the gun control laws.........failure.