Burnt Out????


New member
Is it just me or do you get kind of "BURNT OUT" on the Forums this time of year? It just seems that every topic has been issued to death. If someone does come up with something new its usually A "what if" or something else just as dumb. Maybe its me but I wonder if you have the same issues.


New member
Sometimes it does seem as if we are "repeating outselves, repeating outselves" but I'm ok with it. Like this subject/post. Its been discussed a number of times already. My response is pretty much the same as the one I gave last year. I don't think theres any way to get around it to tell you the truth sureshots. New people come on board daily and ask the same questions that we all had at one time. As long as the question/post isn't too long I can deal with it. Its the long, drawn out, detailed discussions that bore me.


New member
Not really, but I remember a post that was made many years ago that might answer some of your questions. To paraphrase it...

The hunters are all out hunting and the high school and college students are all home on Christmas break with too much time on their hands.

Happy New Year !!!!!


Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Frankly, there's only so many different topics of which threads can be made. I don't think it's time of year. The same topics are repeated day after day after day after...

That's what cracks me up when somebody posts on an oft repeated topic and they get responses like "If you'd bother to search, this has been covered..." because first, search function sucks, you're lucky to narrow down to 100 threads if you're lucky and second, if new threads weren't being created the forum would die.

BTW, if you'd bother to do a search, this has been discussed numerous times.;)

...and this isn't "firearms related". In before the shutdown! Eh, maybe you'll get lucky and they'll just transfer it to the questions/suggestions forum.


New member
Is it just me or do you get kind of "BURNT OUT" on the Forums this time of year? It just seems that every topic has been issued to death. If someone does come up with something new its usually A "what if" or something else just as dumb. Maybe its me but I wonder if you have the same issues.

Yes, and I've been here less than a year. But it's the same regardless of forum topic. The "look at me!" posts are always bad; polls and "wish" posts ("What rifle/caliber do you wish Abc Company would make?") are worse. I imagine it's a person thinking about guns with no one to share it, and Someone Must Be Told.

People with a low message count I tend to forgive because they, after all, might be new to forums in general, not just this one specifically.


New member
Doesn't bother me a bit. Agree with others that new folks have a hard with search and maybe not the patience to read read read to find what they are looking for. I will usually do a search and when I get fed up, I post and apologize for not finding it on search. Not just this forum either. I can remember when I was the new kid on the block and now, even though a thread has been repeated, often a new look on it by someone teaches me something new. Just me. Fire away!


New member
I totally do.
Especially when posters from this forum take the same question to another forum and try to stir the same pot.


New member
I look at this as a way for people to socialize. In my case I've never been particulary good at making close friends (except my wife of course). I can come on here and read about peoples experiences and I can learn about my hobbies.

I try not to be overly critical of the other people on here but once in awhile I make someone mad, sometimes because they are overly sensitive and others because I'm not sensitive enough.

Two things that I like here for sure are the ability to ask questions and get knowledgeable answers, and helping people out with what I do know.

I've been working 7 days a week (except for 4 days off here and there) since early November and it's easy for me to login and read for a few minutes every day. I get bored with some of the posts, but since I've been working so much and my time here is limited, it has been happening less lately. I think that may well be because I don't spend time reading things I'm not interested in.


New member
It does get boring after a while.

I got really bored on a Sunday night about a month ago, so started writing a book.
I've got about 95,000 words down and I'm only hitting the forums about once a week or so.

After I get the book nailed down, I'll probably be ready to "do" the forums more often again.

Mike U.

New member
I was just thinking I was getting gun forum burn out this very evening. :eek:

I've also noticed I'm shorter with people lately and am seeing the same thing in others on the various forums I participate in. Not just the gun forums either. Time of year may have something to do with it. :confused:


New member
What if... one of those "what if" threads, actually happened... to you? Yes many are a little out there, some are way out there, but anything is possible. I never get burnt out talking about guns. :D


New member
While I don't post often, I read here at least twice a day. My "burn out" period is year long and find myself skipping over hashed and re-hashed topics. So, I only read something with a catchy or different title. But..... I completely ignore any post that starts off with "text talk". No capital letters or punctuation...... I'm outta there!