Burn marks on cylinder S&W 386 - how to remove?


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I shot my S&W 386 for the first time today - it was a lot of fun!!! I shot both 38 Special +p and .357 magnum, and everything they say about the .357 magnum kick is true! I shot 7 consecutive rapid fire shots of .357, I my teeth were rattling!

Anyway, I came back home to clean the gun and noticed burn marks on the outside of the cylinder, right on the outside front edge - there is one mark right next to each of the 7 holes where the bullets come out. I tried powder solvent which removed all the black stuff EXCEPT these marks.

Any recommendations on what to try? I'm used to cleaning blued and polymer autos, so I am a bit out of my element here.



New member
I use a spray on stuff called "Pro 7" Gun cleaner and it working great for me. Just spray some on and let it sit for a minute and then wipe it clean with a cloth. I use it to clean all my guns, including my Smithy. :)


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I have had my 386 for a couple of years now and everything you said was right on. While it is a fun gun to shoot I have never found it pleasant to shoot. As you now know recoil and torque will take its toll with the 386 - particularly if you shoot hot 357 loads. A friend of mine made a suggestion which, for me, just turned the 386 into a ***** cat. At his suggestion I purchased and installed the Hogue grips made for the S&W 500 on the 386.


They fit perfectly and do they ever make a difference! I said that they turned the 386 into a *****cat - maybe not a *****cat - but a much more pleasureable gun to shoot.


New member
That is a nice looking grip - do you know how different it is from the one that comes standard on the 386 these days? I know its called Hogue Bantham, and here is a pic of it. The one one your pic looks a little bit longer on the back end. I find the grip on the 386 could use a little bit more meat, so I will definitely look into the S&W 500 grip. Thanks for the tip!


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The 500 grip is much larger, much more padding, and fills my hands much better than does the bantam that came on my gun. When I shot my 386 with the factory grips there was not only recoil but a substantial amount of torque. The hotter the ammo the more the gun twisted in my hand. I am not at all sensitive to recoil but I must admit that the jumping and the twisting at the same time - just didn't like that at all. The 500 grip really tames the 386. FWIW.


New member
Buy a Lead Away cloth and test it on one little spot. It is the tool for the job, just a question of what it will do to titanium.

But, I doubt it will hurt titanium because the titanium isn't a coating.


New member

On your Sc/Ti gun, you need to be conservative when cleaning. Both the frame and cylinder are "clear coated" and anything abrasive will eat through the protective coating pretty quick.

I use Hoppe's #9 and a nylon brush on the outside. Anything that doesn't come off in the first couple of minutes, gets left.

Good Luck...



New member
Lead Away did the trick. I had a Lead Away cloth I bought a couple of months ago still new in the package and decided to give it a try. Took out 95% of the marks. There is still a tiny, tiny little left, barely noticeable.

dairycreek: I received the new Hogue grip today. I haven't shot it yet, but it is definitely beefier and feels really good in the hand. I will try it later this week to see how that .357 recoil feels.

Thanks to all for your input!


New member
The Lead Away cloth will clean very well, but if you continue to use it, the finish will clean away also.

Good Luck...



New member
I scrub mine well and don't worry about the marks that won't come off easily. Looks like you actually shoot your gun.