Bumpfiring from the hip


New member
Saw someone "bumpfiring" (from the waist) a Colt 223 rifle. Sure looked awkward, dangerous and stupid to me although he did manage to empty the 30 round mag in full auto fashion.


New member
I have a BF stock and I like having that option! A couple times a year I dump a mag or 2 no big deal!


Franklin Binary Trigger or Fostech Echo Trigger are pricey around $450 but really sweet. (Ive a Franklin Gen 2.)
A Bumpfire stock is only $100 and just replaces your grip and butt stock. (Got one too)
Fun toys. Not for everyone.

Mobuck I served during Vietnam and it is still fun to dump a mag.


"Mobuck I served during Vietnam and it is still fun to dump a mag."

My service time was spent toting either an M-14 or scoped bolt rifle. My Plan B was a Swedish K 9mm. If I did any "mag dumps" it meant I was in supremely deep DOO-DOO and was attempting to reach higher ground. This left a sort of aversion to full auto (ish) gunfire of any sort. Sorry just my phobia.


"awful, dangerous and stupid" part.

That was "awkward" and some of the "attempted" bumpfiring episodes were dangerous and stupid as muzzle control was pretty much the last consideration.


New member
About like when the neighborhood kids do burn outs with their cars.
Pointless but still fun.
Glad I ain't buying their tires or ammo.


Because in Amerika we can not dump a mag or have fun with guns. It is illegal and guns are just a tool like a shovel. Comrad. We would not want to waste the states money. :D


New member
For more than a few people the whole idea behind a semi-auto gun is so you can shoot lots of ammo to hit a target no more than once. I see this a lot at the local range. I am not impressed with "dumping a mag" unless it can be dumped into an MOA sized group or less. I have had to tell some using a bump stock to stop using it until they could keep all the shots in the berm - we are not allowed to shoot over the berms because people live within a mile and ahalf of the firing line.


New member
I've only seen it once.

It was enough of a distraction that the RSO made the man firing it stop. The other shooters were paying more attention to him than their own muzzles.

Seemed like the man who owned the rifle saved money on targets to me- just needed one per range trip.