Bump Frisked


New member
I'm retired and volunter at a local animal shelter and yesterday I was trying to get a dog thru a gate and others were trying to get out. A lady who works bumped into me and had to feel the gun that was under my shirt. At times folks will give you a hug, although nothing has ever been said i get the feeling that they are trying to feel if I have a gun. Opinions? Thanks in advance, Lyle


New member
Actually, that is a method of finding concealed carriers, and IIRC, a few people have been relieved of thier sidearms this way without noticing it. Cover that side as best you can, take a retention class if you can.
Thanks for your volunteering - all of our animals are rescues.


New member
Who do you let hug you that you think is going to try and take your gun from you? That seems like a bad idea to begin with.


armoredman said:
a few people have been relieved of thier sidearms this way without noticing it.

Exactly who would those few people have been?

Eagle0711 said:

Anybody who knows me is going to know what I am going to say next:

Open carry and that problem goes away.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I don't know what there is in your story about which to have an opinion.

I've had people hug me or put their arms around me and I know that they had to have felt the gun. Oh well. I don't know what they thought/assumed that it was, they all trust me implicitly and nothing has ever been said.

"Non-gun" people do not think about guns. It's highly likely that any given "non-gunner" has 100 things that would come to mind before "Oh my God! He's got a gun!"

The only opinion that I have is that there are lots of people who need rescuing and we should work on them before we worry about animals. Hey, you asked for opinions.


New member
Sorry, LT, I don't have and wouldn't give out names and addys, this was in my retention classes over the years. Feel free to ignore it if you wish.


I think it's entirely possible that she bump frisked you. I'm guessing that you two have chatted before and that she was full of questions and for whatever reason you didn't feel the need to divulge as much intelligence as she wished. So she schemed up a frisking bump and learned what she wanted to know!

I read in a body language book once that there are very few accidental touchings with women. That was no accident. Touching feeds our brains so much more info than talking ever could that we can say conclusively that she was out for more info.

Ok, so she wanted to know and she found out, now what? Do you want to know if she is cool with it or not? Go to her and strike up a conversation about anything, even work. Hand her something. Does she touch you or take it while being careful not to touch you? If she is comfortable touching you then it's ok. If she recoils from you touching her or otherwise will not touch you...she's prolly scared of you and may even try to do the right thing and tell on you.

Nothing is 100% but I find this generally true.


New member
Thanks for the information guys. Comm-cents, sorry that I didn't make my question clear. Actually it's more of a concern. A few yers back I made the very stupid mistake of telling the manager at another animal shelter that I had a CWP. They were cool with it and even asked me to bring the gun with me when she had to fire a female employee who had a boyfriend who called himself " Uncle Bob". He said that when "Uncle Bob gets involved, poeple go down and stay down" This scared the manager,and when she fired the employee uncle Bob sat in the car abd kept his mouth shut. After a couple of years the manager got hostile towards me. I still don't know why. I received a letter one day from a lawyer, and it said that his client felt threatened by me,and if I went near her or phone calls, even 2nd party calls I could expect further legal action. So I never went back. She even took a petition around trying to get folks to say that I,d threatened them. If any of this was true why didn't the police get called? So you see why I'm concerned about the bump frisk. This lady is ex-military so it was no accident, and you can see why I'm concerned. This is at the county shelter,I never went back to the other. The Dog Control Officer has lots of guns, so he would be cool. I still feel uneasy. Is it a concern? I have a CWP. Thanks


New member
Eagle- it's called being used...twice. Once with your compliance- once without.

As far as being bump-frisked, maybe you should consider carrying deeper. Or not carrying (gasp) at work/volunteering. Or not volunteering. Not everyone "gets" it.

Edward429451- That's very true. I read and notice a lot of those subtle clues in my job. Good information.


New member
Thanks for your response: Not carrying right now is not an option, but trimming it down to a 642 in the rear pocket may be a solution. She bumped into a 1911 at the 4:00 clock position. I won't say any thing ,just let it go an ignore it. I guess this is what they call down sizing. I have to carry as I have a beef with a former employer, who has a 22 year old gangbanger kid who will likely start serious trouble. I really appreciate you thoughtful ideas. Thanks, Lyle