Bullwinkle hunting survey

Moose hunting survey

  • 1 Terrain. Open

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • 2 Terrain. Dense

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • 3 Terrain. Mixed

    Votes: 11 84.6%
  • 1. Hunting style. Walking

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • 2. Hunting style. Stand or Blind

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • 3. Hunting style. Boat

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • 1. Average range. Under 75 Yards

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • 2. Average range. Between 75 and 125 Yards

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • 3. Average range. Over 125 Yards

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • 1. Caliber used. Standard loading .30 caliber and under

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • 2. Caliber used. Magnum 7mm and up

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • 3. Caliber used. Standard loading over .30 caliber

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters


New member
I'm just curious about the basic stats for hunting moose. Unless I win a moose tag lottery here or the real lottery and get enough money to hunt out of state, this will just be idle curiosity on my part.

If you wouldn't mind adding what you think the minimal acceptable caliber is in your post, I'd appreciate it.

The survey was supposed to look more like this.

Poll questions:
1 Terrain.
a. Open
b. Dense
c. Mixed
2. Hunting style
a. Walking
b. Stand or Blind
c. Boat
3. Average range
a. Under 75 yards
b. Between 75 and 125 yards
c. Over 125 yards
4. Caliber used
a. Standard loading .308 bullets and under
b. 7mm or larger magnums
c. Standard loading over .308 i.e. .35 Remington, .444 Marlin, shotgun slugs


New member
For me

the .308 or 30-06 is minimum, I use 45-70 Gov or .338 RUM depending on terrain and method of hunting... Oven spaces w/little walking (powerboat, ATV or road hunt...338, walking or canoe and in mostly dense terrain...45-70)


New member
Mixed terrain hunting - slews, fields, bush, hilly/river bank terrain. I hunt where that animals are.
I usually use my truck to get close and walk the rest.
The average shot is 150 yards. In the bush under 75 yards:mad:, in the field 300 yards:).
I use either my .338 win mag or my .300 win mag.


New member
Have used two cals..06 and 300wm. 06 moose went down faster due to better shot placement. Heart vs lungs. Most moose in my fam(7) have been shot w/ the 06.

moose fat

New member
I've shot all my moose with an 06, but I'm trying real hard to catch one using my .303 handloads. The range has been from 100yds to 150yds.

We typically boat hunt. Head up river early, mid day we'll climb a hill and glass medows, eat lunch, pick berries etc. In the late afternoon we'll start drifting back down river. If we start late we'll head up river then motor quietly up sloughs working our way back down river.

The country may be close and dense up narrow sloughs or in wider sloughs kind of open wide bends with 200-400 yd parklike vistas. Around every bend there should be a moose just standing there,:D but mostly not.
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New member
Of the moose my friends & I have taken The terrain was mixed from two that fell in swamps to one in tundra at the last willow bush on the hill. Hunting style has been mostly spot and stalk or from a canoe. the range for all those that I was present on the shot was less than 75 yds most less than 50. As for caliber or weapon used two were taken with stick & string 20ga &12ga slugs 30/30 45/70 35rem 308 300 win mag & 338 mag.unfortunatly tonight the fat lady sings for the general moose season here and none of our group put one down so now we look for a black bear or get used to a lot of salmon.Alex


New member
First moose I took was at age 14 with an 06. It went about 100yds (went on hunt with father in ME). The other 5 have been taken with 300wm the longest one traveled was about 25 yds (have some friends in Alaska that I hunt with).