Bullets are just lead and copper RU486 pills

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New member
They both do the same thing, just at different stages of human development.

A woman should have the right to control the future of her body. This includes using lead and copper RU486 pills to prevent a rape or assault anywhere she goes.

I support her right to choose! Freedom of Choice! Liberals, join the NRA! Hurray!

(Will this work?)

The first time some guy uses RU486 to end the pregnancy he doesn't want to continue (against the wishes and without the knowledge of the woman) do you think the press will demand an end to "pill violence".

"A masked pillman slipped RU486 into the food of a local woman..."


New member
Is this the dread abortion thread that makes us call each other names and invoke the Lord to smite each other?



New member

I totally respect your right to your politics and personal opinions. However, a fair number of your fellow TFLers (certainly not everybody, to be sure) view this as a very sad day in American history -- a day to mourn yet another merciless assault on the most innocent among us.

Your implied equation of the unalienable right to self-defense to the "right" to an abortion (the vast majority of which cannot come close to be justified on "self-defense" grounds) is shameful beyond words, and quite frankly makes me sick. I hope I'm not alone, but could easily live with myself if I were.

Did you think about these things, or do you plead insanity (or something less redeeming)?

With all due respect,

[This message has been edited by Oscar (edited September 28, 2000).]


New member
I was trying to think of a way to use the twisted logic liberals use in our favor.

I think this is the worst case of being misunderstood I have ever been involved with.

My sincerest apologies.

Lock the thread and throw it away. I honestly though I would get a couple of LOL's.

Mt point: If you can support the killing of unborn babies, how can you be against self-defense?


New member
I apologize for not having had the decency to ask you to "clarify" your position before unloading on you. I'm still uncomfortable with your comparison of self-defense and abortion, but (for what it's worth) you're no longer the devil incarnate in my eyes. Regards, Oscar

[This message has been edited by Oscar (edited September 28, 2000).]


New member
This link give a type of history/debate on RU486.

My understanding from the Rush Limbaugh show today, is that the pill was originally developed by a company looking for a new drug to fight cancer. I guess it was in France, but the parent company Hoechst was German and had a "moral problem" selling it because of their WWII holocost connections. I guess the rights to the drug were extended to other groups to develop and use it towards the final goal, a reliable abortion pill. The above article has some good info in it, and some parts that you may find disgusting/infuriating and may leave you incredulous.

I personally could never compare the right to defend ones life with a handgun to the "right" to terminate an unborn child on a whim.

The first step is registration, the second step is confiscation, the final step is subjugation.


New member

Rush Limbaugh was mentioned. He often uses absurdity to illustrate the absurd. That is all I was doing. I apparently did not do a very good job- the irony was apparently lost on everyone who has replied.

Let me try this in very explicit terms.

RU486 was approved by the FDA today. It is a pill that kills unborn babies. Liberals are happy about this. I am not. Liberals don't like guns. I do. I am saying,"Hey liberals- guns are the same as what you like...RU486...you just did not realize it until now!" I do not beleive in a "right" to abortion like I believe in the RKBA.

Forget it...I give up. Flame away. I guess it matters not that I am on your side and that you are mischaracterizing me.

Burn me! I am a witch!

[This message has been edited by MountainGun44 (edited September 28, 2000).]


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MountainGun44:

Rush Limbaugh was mentioned. He often uses absurdity to illustrate the absurd. [/quote]

Rush cautions us that he's a highly trained broadcast professional and we shouldn't try this at home... :D

"...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Luke 22:36
"An armed society is a polite society."
Robert Heinlein
"Power corrupts. Absolute power - is kinda cool!"
Fred Reed


New member
My 2 cents: I ain't gettin near this even if you give free ammo.

While I Breath I Hope


New member

Check your email for a personal apology. You're one of the good guys, and don't deserve to be flamed. Forgive me. I'm a lawyer, and sometimes it shows! ;)

Best regards,


Liberals are allowed to kill if it doesn't put themselves in danger of being hurt.

Bob--- Age and deceit will overcome youth and speed.
I'm old and deceitful.


New member
No kidding guys, relax. Let me put into words what he failed to. Correct me if I'm wrong:

Liberals say that if a woman is raped she has a right to kill her unborn child, but if a woman is going to be raped, she has no right to kill her would-be rapist.

he was just commented in satire on the absurdity of this...

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me


Staff Emeritus
Okay. (pause) Now that we have straightened out all that, let's go with the suggestion to move the subject to the Range House.

OT thread closed.
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