bullet loads


New member
Wondering if im the only one that does this. I have 2 loads that give me 1/2 holes at 200 yards. Yet i sit here ever week coming up with new loads. For some reason i want better. Am i alone on this?. To the comp shooters out here.Is hitting a golf ball at 300 yards 8 out of 10 times good enough for you..Craig please weight in on this one. You would be the one to answer this for me. My wife is beggening to think im obssesed over this whole thing. It started out as a hobbie for fun and now im starting think she has a point.


New member
my 2 cents

Does she have a point? well it depends on how much pillow time you have left after all the R&D.

If the answer is plenty, then I would concentrate on hitting 10 different golf balls as fast as possible just to keep it interesting. :D


New member
She has a point! OCD (Obessive Compulsive Disorder) is not a desease that one recognizes in oneself. Mine was buying guns (not sure I have kicked that one yet). 1/2 MOA at 200 yards is really good, but there is always room for improvement, as long as it is not all consuming of your time. You need to relax and enjoy yourself, try another caliber, or load for handgun. Just don't spend all your time on one thing. Go out every now and then and kill something (hunt), play golf (not) or even take the wife out to eat or dance or even both.

That reloading bench is not going anywhere on it's own, unless you live on a flood plane. So have some fun and quit avoiding your family.



New member
Maybe one person in 10,000 can do 8 of 10 @ 300 yards. I think you have a problem. My problem was reloading. buy 1000 brass and 2000 bullets and I was short of brass-anyway I finally started to shoot some of my reloads and hope for a full recovery. I actually had a free $10.00 Cabela's gift card and went in to the store today and bought nothing!!


New member
I think we all set our own goals and adjust them as necessary. Being almost entirely a handgun guy, a shoot at 7, 15 and sometimes at 25 yards kinda guy... I would have to say that being able to hit a golf ball at 300 yards goes well beyond what I'd ask from my work at the load bench.

If anything, if I had a load that was golf ball @ 300 yard capable, I would toy around with successively cheaper bullets to see how/when the accuracy started to crumble.

Because if I could still do the golf ball @ 300 yard trick with cheap bulk range bullets, I'd reserve the expensive stuff for appropriate scenarios and shoot a lot more of the cheap stuff.


New member
Don't worry--we're all in the obsession together to one degree or another. Mine is currently in developing my cast loads more now. J-word bullets just kinda sit on the shelf these days while I play with good ol' galena in all her silver glory. Current work-up is a paper-patched 150gr. cast bullet for the .32 Winchester pushing the 2000fps line. Prior to that was a 175gr. gas checked boolit I developed a new load for from the powders I use that would cycle the action on my AK and hit considerably close to a standard FMJ. Prior to that was a heavy round-nose work-up in 7.65 browning for my .32 Auto and a target load for the .40 to keep it fed without killing the wallet... And the list just goes on.

Here's the kicker--the list doesn't go away, but other important things can if neglected. ;) Enjoy the hobby, but know when to step away from the bench.


New member
Let me reword this. I do spend a lot of time with my family,The reloading process does not take that long. The point im trying to make is when is good enough,good enough. In my mind a golf ball is a very big target,has to be 2 inch round. I don't hunt any more,just kill paper and eggs,golf balls. OK here is where my demented mind lays. I would like a penney at 300 yards 10 out of 10 times. Problem is i think if i ever acheive this i will want something smaller or same thing at 400 or 500 yards. Where do you draw the line or is it that there is no line and one just keeps going till ,, I don't know ,you get to old to shoot or what. I would think the Comp shooters out here keep trying to get better and better. I can't beleive they,once acheive something call it good enough and just stay there, I have to beleive they keep trying to get better and better too.... If you do come to the point that you give up trying to get any better,does it not just become not challenging anymore. Example
week 1-4 golf balls at 300,week 2-6 golf balls 300 yards now im up to 8 golf balls 300 yards.My point is when i get to 10 out of 10 then what?.Call it good and just shoot galf balls at 300 from there on out(sounds boring). My idea is would you not try to keep getting better,either by moving balls farther away or by shooting smaller targets. Making it harder and harder till you just can no longer do it. Then at that point you have a never ending challenge and something to strive for every time you go out to shoot. If i take my 22 out to shoot pop cans at say 50 yards (very easy) week after week i would lose intrest in shooting very fast.. That brings me to my original question. Am i the only one that feels this way?.
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New member
Since you put it THAT way... Nope, you aren't alone at all. I started out years ago in the same fashion--tuning and refining, stretching distance, shrinking groups, tweaking loads, etc. At this point my comfortable range is anything inside 1000 meters. There was a whole lot of luck involved, but I successfully hit a human-sized target at a gps'd even mile with my 7mm mag Sendero. It's an area and distance I'd like to develop more, but it's difficult to find that kind of distance to shoot where I live now. Since then I've shifted. I'm working up and tuning my Mosin for distance now. After that, I'm going back a little farther to a Pederosali 45-70 falling block. Then I have plans for a Sharps in 45-90 or something towards that nature and era. Before I know it I'm gonna work my way back to an old smooth-bore match lock or something. Who knows--it's a fascination that doesn't go away.


What are you talking about "OBSESSION" aint no one here obsessed. This reloading is just a hobby, a mans hobby. "Yea, a mans hobby that's what it is"