Bullet length


New member
I've been reloading since about October and love it but I have an issue maybe someone can answer, I've got a Ruger P95 that I'm reloading 115 grain FMJ's for,my Ruger will jamb if Load below max recommended charge and anything below 1.160 length, I've tried same length and lower charge, jambs,max charge and shorter length, jambs, any ideas before I send it to Ruger? Thanks


New member
Maybe it's that particular bullet the gun doesn't like.
Have you tried other weight or shape bullets?
Especially 124 grain fmj ball ammo.
Sometimes guns can be as persnickety as people about their diet.
Most 9mms are designed around the good old 124 grain fmj ball, like .45s are designed around the 230 grain ball.
If that's the case with yours, sending it to Ruger might not accomplish anything.
If they test it with 124 ball, and it passes, it'll come right back as good to go.
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New member

Going to 124 grain cast soon since my buddy is gonna start casting boolits for us any way so we'll see how that changes things, thanks

David Bachelder

New member
I've got a Taurus PT 709 Slim that does not like Berrys old style hollow point bullets. It will cycle them if you shorten the COAL to 1.050" (the powder load is reduced of course).

It loves cast 124 grain Round Nose bullets and cycles them great with a COAL of 1.125"

Yes guns are funny.


New member

Good thing about reloading, you can can adjust to your gun, I luv my P95 otherwise other 2 9mms will cycle hotter loads


New member
If by chance you do have to send it back to Ruger, do not mention reloads. Like most manufacturers They do not take kindly to reloads.