Bullet damage question


New member
Being somewhat new to reloading, I pulled a few bullets from casings that come to find out, did not have the correct charge. So in the process, I scratched or nicked the bullet when I pulled it out (not too bad). Can I reload the same bullet and use it. Will it have any negative effects upon firing?


New member
As long as they're not deformed, scratches/nicks shouldn't hurt anything. They might not be the most accurate at long range but they should shoot fine.

I'm assuming you pulled them with a kinetic bullet puller or something else designed for the purpose? If the scratches/nicks are from a pair of Vise-Grip pliers, then ignore everything I said and toss them. :D


New member
It's funny you stipulated that. Yes pliers were used. Not by me ofcourse. I have a bullet puller:rolleyes: The bullets do not seem to be deformed. Just minor scratches and nicks. Why toss them? Curious.


New member
I was just giving you a hard time - even light plier marks shouldn't be a problem. For the very first bullets I pulled, I used pliers and the bullets were decidely *not* suitable for re-use. The plier teeth had actually cut through the plating on the bullet.


New member
That's good to hear. I'll just tell my buddy he can go and shoot those rounds and have fun. I appreciate the insight. I'll tell him to invest in a bullet puller;)