Bull Moose Sportsmen

Here we go again. The Bull Moose Sportsmen claim they're a group of Colorado gun owners and 2nd Amendment supporters who just think some gun control (universal background checks, banning hi-cap magazines) is a good idea. They dress in camo and hunt birds with shotguns. That makes them just like us, right?

These guys are strongly remnescient of the American Hunters and Shooters Association and the American Rifle and Pistol Association. As Emily Miller has pointed out, founder Timothy Mauck was finance director for Mark Udall's campaign in 2012. Udall, to put it mildly, is not a friend to gun owners. They have lent support to Senators Michael Bennet and Martin Heinrich, both of whom have voted for bans on so-called high-capacity magazines.

For a group claiming nonpartisanship, more than 95% of funding for BMS comes from America Votes. Among other things, America Votes attempted to protect Colorado Senators Morse and Giron from recall.

So yeah, they're still pushing the Joe Biden "hunters vs. the extremists" card. Don't expect them to let up on this any time soon.


New member
What part of "Shall not" don't they understand?

2nd Amendment supporters who just think some gun control (universal background checks, banning hi-cap magazines) is a good idea.
As long as they keep their opinion to themselves, that's fine. However, they are either "uninformed" or outright deceitful. I understand this mindset as I have shooting buddies that hate AR's and support extended background checks. Some own "Brown-Besses" and I remind them that it was once the AR or of the past.. :cool:

When you compromise the 2A, you loose. .... ;)

Be Safe !!!


New member
Thanks for the Heads-up about this group. I'll ass it along to my pro-freedom friends.

As for other comments here, I'll just be preaching to the choir.;)


New member
The Bull Moose third party put Woodrow Wilson in the White House in 1912, don't be fooled into splitting apart again ! Oldest trick in the book, if you can't beat them, join them, then beat them.


New member
kilimanjaro said:
The Bull Moose third party put Woodrow Wilson in the White House in 1912, don't be fooled into splitting apart again !
That is the FIRST thing I thought when I heard the name of this so-called "sportsmen's" group.

I think the name is meant to be a subtle but snide reference to the group's true intent. Presumably the organizers hope that most folks don't remember their high-school U.S. History well enough to understand the irony. :rolleyes:
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Someday I will get bored and make a PAC with and anti-gun name that attacks gun users for not using suppressors/silencers all the time. Threatening the health of children and firemen I tell you.

The "National Association to Stop Firearm Noise pollution Injuries"

I'll have to work on the legislative goals angle and the name...


New member
The antis are finally figuring out that their past tactics have not worked. We're in for a lot more of this nonsense.


New member
johnwilliamson062 said:
Someday I will get bored and make a PAC with and anti-gun name that attacks gun users for not using suppressors/silencers all the time... I'll have to work on the legislative goals angle and the name...
Silent Sportmen, Shooters, & Hunters... SSSH. The logo can be the head of a man, in a plaid earflap hunting cap, holding his index finger to his lips in the traditional "be quiet" gesture. :D
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New member
i'm sort of tempted to join, just to keep an eye on them.

Why do we get all the crazies in Colorado? Why can't these guys be from Iowa, or Missouri or somewhere else?

I spent a lot of time looking into the other 'colorado hunters for sensible gun laws' or whatever they were called group, now I have to start chasing this one.
P's me off.
I think COlorada based groups are there for obvious reason. You've picked up a ot of Californians who are interested in such things AND a hunting group "based in Colorado" sounds significantly more legitimate than one from California or New York.


New member
There was a website called "Gun Guys" that did something similar-"reasonable" regulations.
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Uncle Buck

New member
Doofus, why you gotta be hatin' on Missouri, we have our own nut jobs here already. You keep 'em, please.

I think a lot of these anti-gun crowd have finally taken a page from the HSUS handbook. Show pictures of tragedies and then ask for money. Do not tell the people who donate what they are actually supporting and raise lots of money for your pet (No pun intended) cause.

Most people do not delve in to the actual workings and machination of these organization, just look at the name and think "Yeah, that sounds sad, I think I will donate.