Built in gun room/safe plans. Care to share?


New member
Hey folks,

In a couple years or so, my wife and I are likely to do an addition to our house. We're still in the thinking/planning/dreaming stages right now.

What I imagine we'll end up doing is adding to the end of the house where our bedroom is currently situated. We're thinking a "parents retreat" kinda bonus room off our bedroom with a nice bathroom off of that. Our present master bath is small.

When we do this, the present master bath is going to be torn out and redone as a second walkin closet. It currently has a shower only and the shower stall is at the back of the bathroom. I'm thinking that in this space (roughly 3.5ft deep and 4.5 ft wide) I'd like to do some sort of built in gun safe.

I could always try to purchase a safe of approximately that size to slot it in there or I could get some plate steel and do a DIY solution. Wondering if anyone here has any experience with a solution like this?

I like the idea of a fire resistant actual safe that I could slot in, but I also like the thought of being able to customize something to fit my needs.

Ideas? Thoughts?

Again, I'm just planning ahead here. It'll likely be 2-3 years before we do this remodel.

tony pasley

New member
Depending on your budget, 1 buy a good safe and install it, 2 build a concrete room with steel door. 3 cheap side use 3/4" preasure treated plywood to line the wall,floor,and cieling,make a bookshelf door.


New member
There are also commercial safe rooms which can be purchased, brought to your property, and bolted to a concrete slab or foundation. The ones I've looked at and am interested in are designed to withstand tornadoes; this would be a dual use room. They come in varying sizes and can also be custom built.


New member
make a bookshelf door.

That's a good idea............

This is such a small space that concrete is probably out. My house is built over a crawl space, not a slab so the "safe room" idea won't work for us, but it is a nice idea.

I can get 1/4" plate steel or steel mesh in addition to the 3/4" plywood. Maybe line the space with this, drop in an actual gun safe, bolted through this reinforcement to the floor/walls and then a bookshelf wall covering/hiding it.

As far as budget is concerned, our target budget for the entire remodel is around 50K. This is why it will be a few years away :lol: I figure a couple thousand for a good gunsafe and then I can do the work on the rest myself. I can lay my hands on steel and steel mesh (in limited quantities) for free or cheap through some family members.