Building Rifles


New member
Hi all,

I was looking at all of the different rifle kits available, as well as pistol kits, and thinking that it would be fun to venture into the world of building my own rifles (and pistols). What books, videos, web sites, etc have good information on the various aspects of custom gun building/gun work/customization. Before I receive the numerous leave it to the experts advice, I realize the complexity of the various firearms and do not think that it will be easy or simple, but I do want to learn. After all, the best custom builders and gunsmiths had to start somewhere. Info from rebarreling a bolt action, to building a 1911 or BHP from scratch, building a G3 or FAL, let me have it. I am also interested in maybe a wesite or reference that shows breechface caliber interchangeability, ie. 8mm Mauser bolt will work with caliber X once rebarreled. Let the learning begin.


New member
building rifles

Pick the books that Bill Holmes writes. He is a "backyard mechanic" type of builder who can point you in some interesting directions. He has designed and built everything from single shot pistols to full autos.