Building Ar-15 from lower receiver


New member
I'm interested in buying a lower receiver for an AR-15 and at some later date when I've got more money building a complete rifle. I've been told that buying a stripped lower receiver is the way to go, but I don't know. Is it? Anybody on this forum ever do this? Is it as easy as it sounds in the ads? Anything tricky?.
Several companies sell stripped lower receivers on line but I don't have a FFL. How much is a reasonable price to pay a FFL owner to order a stripped lower receiver for me? Any suggestions on how to find a FFL dealer who'll do this? (NC resident) Who do I pay? How much up front?

Any .45

New member
I'm interested in buying a lower receiver for an AR-15 and at some later date when I've got more money building a complete rifle. I've been told that buying a stripped lower receiver is the way to go, but I don't know. Is it? Anybody on this forum ever do this? Is it as easy as it sounds in the ads? Anything tricky?.
Several companies sell stripped lower receivers on line but I don't have a FFL. How much is a reasonable price to pay a FFL owner to order a stripped lower receiver for me? Any suggestions on how to find a FFL dealer who'll do this? (NC resident) Who do I pay? How much up front?

I do this all the time all of my AR's are assembled by me and my nephew, as of late I've been having help me. I have even assembled some for friends. I usually start out with lower, from different manufacturers, Bushmaster, DPMS, Essential Arms (found these recently assembled one for my friend), Rock River, and Omega. Used some others for buddies but these are the most recent. I like to use the rock river lower parts kits, have used DPMS and I'm gonna get an essential arms one for the next build. These are pretty easy to do, the upper is just as easy to assemble, I mean there is nothing hard about it and I do the entire rifle from parts, I don't buy a complete upper or lower receiver, I order the parts individually and go from there. Besides the fact that its fun you get to learn the rifle really well. If you go to gunbroker you can get a list of ffl's in your area. If you ask them to order you one, ask them how much they charge for a transfer as well as how much they can get you one for, then what you need to figure out is if after shipping and ffl's plus the price of the lower (dependent on manufacturer) is cheaper to have him order it or to order one your self from the internet or whatever. Around here (South Florida), the stripped lowers are going for $200-$275, way to high for my blood, my ffl charge me $35 bucks for a transfer, I still see stripped lowers going for $100 to $150 online so depending on the brand it'll be cheaper for me to order from the internet. Around my area most ffl's charge $70-$100 so I'm grateful I have my ffl. Usually ffl's ask for the transfer money once they receive the item being transfered, but thats my experience. Hope this helps. Oh by the way you can find a how to build ar stripped lower video on youtube.


New member
That was a very informative answer Any .45. Thank you. I'm particularly glad you mentioned that it's a good way to really get to know the gun. I'd never thought about that, but I can see how that would be true. Thanks Again. I'm going to try it.

PS have you ever heard of DTI (Del-Ton) as a source? They advertise $120 for a stripped lower on line. Of course, like I said, I don't have a FFL but this company is in NC and maybe I could go there and if they have an FFL maybe they'd sell me one over the counter or something. I've got to go cheap. Not a lot of money these days.


New member
Del-Ton is good to go. They are a well known and reputable outfit. Ask them about their kits. When available, they have kits containing everything except the stripped lower. It's a very economical way to put together an AR. Before the recent rush, they had them in several different configurations.


New member
Thanks Sleepercaprice1. I appreciate your comments. I called them today. They're backed up and about 16 weeks now, but we worked something out that I can live with. Thanks again.


The only "special" tool that I recommend for lower assembly is the pivot pin detent tool. Just got one in from Brownell's today. Wish I'd had it when I did my previous build. :)

When you buy a stripped lower, you only pay fed tax on the price of the lower. It'll already be included in the price. When you buy a complete rifle, you pay the tax on the price of the complete rifle.

Building an AR is REALLY simple.


New member
I'll remember to buy a detent(?) tool too. (I had to pull off your message to write this reply so I'm not sure I spelled the tool name right, but I understand now what I need to get.) I really appreciate how helpful all you guys have been who've responded. Thanks a bunch.