Building a new target stand

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New member
A road crew left a sign up the road from my place and after letting it set there nearly 2 months I got it and took the work ahead sign off of it and will use it for my new target stand. I will use the bottom window for bullseye and silhouette targets and the upper window for steel reaction targets, going to hang a 8" gong and four 6" swing targets in it.

I tried a 5"X15"X1/4" plate in the upper window but did not like the space it took up or the single chain reaction from being shot. I will hang the gong from double chains.


New member
The county has been workin' on a bridge just down the road from me. They have had "road work ahead" signs up for several months, because they are not done yet. Even if they were, I doubt if I would take the sign just because I could.

If the sign was in the road right of way or private land not owned by you, you could be charged with theft.


New member
I will use the bottom window for bullseye and silhouette targets and the upper window for steel reaction targets, going to hang a 8" gong and four 6" swing targets in it.
It would be more stable to put the heavy targets nearer the bottom so it's not too top heavy

It's also best not to confess to crimes in public places, and post pictures of the evidence
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