"Bug Out "gear


You know, after the Y2K whatsit, I sat with the family and reevaluated our choices mad democratically. My wife decide to stay and "fort up" and my daughter and I decided that we should bug out to a place in the mountains that has a lake nearby and is not easy to reach by vehicle.
My wife won of course but my daughter and I agreed that we'd defend the fort as long as we could, then we had a bug out route to use.
Anyway, I still feel that I might have overlooked something that I need in my bug out gear...I'd like to hear some suggestions for things that I really need in my gear.
Thank you for your suggestions,comments, etc..etc..


Member In Memoriam
I wholeheartedly agree with the "fort up" scenarion - depending on where you live, etc.
We do live next to apretty good-sized lake that's already fairlt rural, so that was a "no brainer" to us ('course, in hindsight, the whole Y2K bit's a "no brainer").

"Bug out"'s pretty generic. Depends at what level you'll "bug out" what you can physically take. "Bugging out" in a Duece & 1/2 obviously allows taking the kitchen sink asopposed to taking off whith only what you can carry on your back & that begs the question if you will be nomads versus putting down roots.

Too, a ton depends on your back-country skill-set.

And, as fun as it might be to blue-sky surviving off the land with your Turbo-Jolt 2000, in a real susrvival situation with the possibility of many more attempting the same thing, the last thing I'd want to do is have another hear any of my gunshots. A suppressed 10/22 may be more of a lifesaver than you'd know.

I've got a great list (for me) in .XLS format that I'd gladly e-mail to you if you want. I use it for backpacking, hunting, car camping, etc. & just check off what I need to take for specific type trips. If you don't have Excel, I could print out & fax if that'd work .... don't have any idea how it would translate into a text file.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
You got real good odds that if you hold the fort and then bug out, you won't be allowed to bug out; or there will be too much turmoil enroute to get there; or somebody else will already be there--holding the fort.

If this sort of scenario seems really likely to you, you need to put your money where your mind is. Find a place, now, that fits your needs--and read "Tappan on Survival" for general concepts about this wonderful new place you want.

As usual, Art


New member
Me...worse case and I go apache...nothing but my knife, weapon [handgun] and ammo and a small pack with rations. This things goes everywhere I do-including work.

Best case...I got a years supply of food and H2O that I can load up and take with me.

The one bad thing...i'm diabetic. Insulin dependant so my time would be limited to how many shots I have available. [[hence the handgun]]

Satanta, the Whitebear
Sat's Realm: http://SatantasRealm.tripod.com/Entrypage/entrypage.html

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New member
It depends on where you plan to go and how long you will be away. I have planned on being away for a long time. I live in the city, and if I have to leave, I most likely won't be coming back.
The first thing to consider would be why you would want to leave. Natural disaster, war, riots, mutant ninja crackheads, or what?
Then consider the probelms associated with the given scenario. You will not be the only one heading for the hills, traffic will be stopped, can you make it on foot? Will you be avoiding checkpoints and troops? Will you have to carry your own water, and if not, will you be able to get some on the way? Etc.
Once you get where you are going, will you have enough supplies and people to live there. Everyone says that they will live off of the land before realizing how hard that really is. What about security from invaders, do you have enough weapons, ammo, etc. to fend off an attack?
These are the things to think about. Then you should be able to determine what you need. Most "survival" gear is pretty basic: fire making, water purification, shelter, tools.
Godd luck, e-mail me if I can help.

Abandon your animosities and make your sons Americans. Robert E. Lee

Beware the three D's: The dumb, drunk, and deranged.

I used to respond to posts like this by saying, 2000 rounds of 223, 5 gallons of water, 10 lbs of Dinty Moore classics (much better than MRE's), Iodine, Gauze, and so on.

Now I say.. As much cash as you can lay your hands on.

The greenback has long ago replaced gold as the standard, a little fecal material on a rotating blade won't change that. Unfortunatly, if we get into a poopey fan situation the rich will come out on top. I just wish I was one of them.


New member
Well, I'll stock on food, water, and neccesities...course I'm a plus10 doomer who things the feces will regurgitate back and forth thru the prop blades several times. I also save lead and copper. ;)

Kirk D

New member
I started out, years ago, expecting to bug out.., then I leaned toward the "fort up" scenario.

Now, I've come full circle, and have to agree with Art. The most likely scenario (whether it be general civil uprising, a breakdown of infrastructure, or war...) would be martial law and confiscation of firearms, food, water, energy sources, and strict anti-hoarding enforcement.

In other words, if you don't get out quick, before they set up road blocks, curfews and such, you're not gonna get out at all.

I've gone modular..., one pack (very spartan) with the minimal essentials (if I have to get out, on foot, with just what I can carry on my back.) A second pack with a "fleshed out" essential load, plus a large quantity of ammo (if I can use the heavy duty game carry cart I have.., so I can wheel a couple hundred pounds into the mountains.)

Then I add a couple bags of clothing, a couple bags of food, more boxes of ammo, more guns, more bedding and shelter options, etc..., if I can use the Explorer to head for the woods.

LASur5r, if you want, I can send you lists from the above options..., or what I consider bare minimum essentials for a single bugout backpack.

David Scott

New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Patrick Graham:
Now I say.. As much cash as you can lay your hands on.

The greenback has long ago replaced gold as the standard, a little fecal material on a rotating blade won't change that. Unfortunatly, if we get into a poopey fan situation the rich will come out on top. I just wish I was one of them.

I have to question this; if the excrement hits the propeller, and stores shut down or are looted, cash will be of limited value. I'd say keep some handy, but also stock up on stuff you can barter. What will be in short supply if society breaks down? Food, water, medical supplies, clothing, fuel, hand tools. In post WW-II Germany, a bag of nails and a hammer were worth more than a Rolex. For someone in a civil unrest situation, items like rope, a good knife, binoculars (to see the bad guys coming) or decent boots become priceless. Fishing gear would be valuable, since it can provide food without noisy gunshots that give your position away. Ammo, too, but I'd never trade that to anyone who might use it against me. In fact, every once in a while, I'd invest one cartridge in a deer and trade the protein-rich carcass for more ammo.

BTW, if it does hit the fan, those rich folks will be among the least able to survive, their skills will have been atrophied by years of soft living. Their Nicaraugan housemaid sure isn't going to stick around to fix their dinner.


New member
I am not a financial wizard, but I do know that U.S. paper currency IS BACKED by GOLD, and lots of it. Ever heard of Fort Knox? It has two functions, first it is were ALL of the Gumints economic power resides, and , it is the home of one of the largest U.S. Army Armor(Tanks, APC's ect.) bases in the states. They also perform much of the active duty Armor training there, as well. If it hits the fan hard, the money in your pocket won't be worth much. Gold, silver, precious gems, will always be valuble, no matter what, as their value is easily measured at any given time.


New member
LASur5r, one other thing you might want to get is a two CD set of Army Field Manuals,sold by Cheaper Than Dirt, Fort Worth TX. 1-888-625-3848. At $19.97, if you just learn one thing that will save your life or keep food in your tummy, it is cheaper than dirt.

The CDs have a lot of info on survival, first aid, sniper training,hand gun training, hand to hand combat and lots of other stuff, most you will never use.

The problem is you need to learn this before anything happens, cuz you probly cant take yo computer with you. So you might want to print out what you want.

If you cant find food and water all the guns and ammo wont help a whole lot.

And yet...it moves
(Galileo Galilie)

[This message has been edited by B9mmHP (edited August 28, 2000).]