Buchanan Excluded from Presidential Debates


New member
Dear Friends,

I wasn't going to vote for Pat (which would be a risky, wasted vote IMHO), but I was very much looking forward to his participation in the presidential debates. He would have been truly excellent at calling both Mutt (Algore) and Jeff ("W") on their now inevitable and virtually indistinguishable "positions" on the "issues" presented. Nader's involvement would likewise have offered "color". I'm very disappointed.


Bob Locke

New member
There should be six men in on the debates: Bush, Gore, Nader, Buchanan, Browne, and Phillips.

Each of them is on enough ballots that it is a statistical possibility (albeit an itsy, bitsy one) for him to win enough electoral votes to win the presidency.

The big problem is that we have an FEC made up of 4 R's and 4 D's, and they have no desire to see their guys made to look like the un-Constitutional boobs they are.

This is the best analogy I can come up with to describe this process:

We have two mafia families battling each other for control while simultaneously working together to keep everyone else out of the "business".

Brett Bellmore

New member
I gave Buchanan a donation early in the last round of primaries, just to cause Bob Dole heartburn. Worked, too! Of course, he's spent more than I ever gave him, sending me letters asking for more money...

Sic semper tyrannis!

Futo Inu

New member
That really chaps my hide. They should DEFINITELY let Pat B. and Ralph N. join in, in a 4-way debate. Ralph's damage to Al would offset Pat's damage to George, and we'd have a GREAT debate! It's the Duocratic party, at it again. This is one issue where Al and Dubya wholeheartedly agree - exclude those third party people with any real differences or real ideas!!


Staff Emeritus
Futo! Stop that! There you go thinking like an American again!

The Republocrats are our best bet to countinue a nice peaceful subjugation to the United Nations. Please quit interfering!

And Bob L.! Tsk! Tsk! Don't you realize that a vote for Browne, Phillips, Buchanan and maybe even Nader would be a vote for Gore?

Now BOTH of you stop arguing with Judas Gore. He knows what he's doing! Let's all follow him and his sidekick!

And stop all those silly references to the Constitution. It only applies when the Democrats tell the Republicans to apply it. ;)

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 21, 2000).]