Bruce Willis


New member
In today Sunday paper (very anti paper)the USA today magazine, he had a very good article. He believes in the right for all citizens to have guns. He is very anti Govt. in many respects. Not very politically correct either. GREAT!!!! Maybe if enough us write or let him know that we support him, he will get even more vocal. Will spend my money at his movies. Maybe old news, but I thought it was a great article.

From my cold dead hands.


New member
Now if we could just get Bruce to take some training, so maybe we'd see a little less 'spray and pray' in the movies? Beleive it or not, there are a lot of folks out there (including a depressingly surprising number of LEOs!) try to copy in real life the shooting techniques and tactics they see in the movies. Yeah, I know that bad guys watch movies, too, and we don't want to teach them to be more efficient, but heck, I'd settle for safer gun handling. And no one can tell me Bruce can't afford to go to Gunsite or Thunder Ranch. Come to think of it, wouldn't it be cool to hear Bruce quoting some of Clint Smith's truisms?

Roger Shambaugh
Ottawa, Kansas

"No man who's in the wrong can stand against
a man who knows he's right and keeps on
a-comin'." Capt. Bill McDonald, Texas Rangers


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KSLawman:
Now if we could just get Bruce to take some training, so maybe we'd see a little less 'spray and pray' in the movies? [/quote]

I've read that Steven Seagal is the only actor who is somewhat realistic in handling firearms.

Might not be Bruce Willis' idea on how to shoot. The director and producer call the shots.

(Oh no! a bad pun!)

Jim V

New member
Gee, I thought that you were going to tell everybody about Bruce Willis' first time on line chat at MSN Saturday. It would have been a goot time to ask him about his movie "shooting" and views.

I had things to do so I missed it. Rats.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"


New member
Segal is highly trained in Pistol shooting. He is also very pro-Constitution, but he won't come out and be very vocal about it. He is very aloof in some ways. Tussey does all is custom work on his 1911's. Need to have him be more outspoken!!!!

From my cold dead hands.


I'm sorry, but any police officer or otherwise who copies a gunfighting technique from the movies is an idiot. Proper training will never makeup for their lack of good judgement. God forbid they saw someone smoke a cigarrette or drink a beer in that same movie, or they might just have to do that too.

David Scott

New member
Just a side note: You described your Sunday paper is "very anti", but they have no control over the content of the USA Today Sunday Supplement. They just buy it and insert it.

I, too, would like to see more movie & TV characters handle a firearm properly. I like Mel Gibson, but some of the crap he pulls with that Beretta 92 in the "Lethal Weapon" movies should get him sent to the penalty box. I guess they have to make it flashy. It's entertainment, not real life.

Dan Johnson

New member
While producers and directors weild the most power, actors like Bruce Willis, Steven Segal, and Mel Gibson also have a lot of influence on the movies content. That is why I have for some time boycotted Mel Gibson movies. The Lethal Weapon series is filled with anti-gun plugs on such things as "cop-killer bullets" and features irresponsible gun handling like the scene where Gibson's character makes a big joke of pulling a gun on a jaywalker. Not funny, and certainly not something or someone any serious defender of RKBA should support.
Bruce Willis, on the other hand, does have some stuff in his movies I love. Like the scene in Armagedon where he's yelling at the Greenpeace boat that's harrassing his oil derrick. I wouldn't be suprprised if this is a lot of the reason this movie recieved poor reviews from a lot of the panty-waist critics.

Dan Johnson


New member
I think in Lethal #3 they had a anti NRA poster in the police station that came on camera several times. Mel and Danny are anti as far as I'm concerned.

From my cold dead hands.


Retired Screen Name
Wow. I hadn't read the interview till now. I officially forgive him for the line about Glocks being invisible to airport X-rays. This makes up for it.

Notice how the interviewer accepts everything else virtually without comment, then basically calls him a stupid wannabe because he dares think he has a right to own a gun? Or maybe she doesn't think only stupid wannabes base their lives on movies . . . . hell if I know.

If that were true, I'd have no guns and I wouldn't be here. Even Walker, Texas Ranger last night said that hunters don't use semi-autos (that's how Walker knew the guys shooting outside the cabin were drug dealers.) Actually, they were using TEC-9's, which technically shouldn't be considered semi-auto anyway. :)