Browning Riddle


Staff In Memoriam
hey y'all
my Bro-in-law is going thru his deceased Dad's safe and they're divvying up some stuff. He found a Browning shotgun barrel. Can you help me identify what it fits and relative value? good blueing, etc. Here's what he told me he found on it: Belgium/ */ 12-75/1KG/48.4/ special steel 3"/VL94984/12 guage.

he also ended up with a Beretta automatic shotgum model "M"/A303-cal20/N08565E/20g./3" mag/28" vent rib/......probably 90% condition, Any ball park what it's worth??

Thanks................. Bob

I9 will post the answers on the local forum where i seen this once ya'll browning guys pick it apart...



New member
It appears that the barrel is:

for an A-5 12gaMAG, noted as 3" chamber [ 12-75, the 75 is the metric chamber length, full choke [single "*"], the rest is the proof loads, the "VL number MAYBE a reciever SN if it was issued as a two=barrel set., [unsure on this]

This will not fit the Standard A-5 as the mag ring on barrel is farther forward compared to a standard A-5 barrel.

Hope this helps.