Browning HP Price?


New member
A Browning HP has been on my "wish list" for a while...

Saw one today: All Blue in excellent condition (90%+) with a Crimson Trace laser grip on it for $699.00.

Pretty sure it is a legitimate Browning, not a copy. (Didn't have my reading glasses with me)

A good value, or should I keep looking? Thanks.



New member
Not a bad value, hear in Richmond VA, New Browning High-Power is about $900, and that is without the Crimson Trace, that will usually add another $200 or so to the price. Saturday I saw a used Browning High-Power practical for $699 used, and this one did not have the Crimson Trace grips either, so $699 for a High-Power with the Crimson Trace sounds like a reasonable deal to me. Good Luck with it.


New member
OK Deal.....

Here in Bama, used BHP's (that aren't rare/collectable) go for 550-650. So, basically you are getting the crimson grips free and paying about what a used BHP goes for. So, depends on if you desire those grips or not. I would be tempted to tell them to take the grips off and give me another 150 off the price. LOL.



New member
Sounds good to me. Does it have the original grips with it as well? Not that it would make the deal bad if it does not have them, but it would be nice to have them.

Factory setup has a mag disconnect safety. To see if that one has been modified you could clear the weapon for safety, drop the mag, cock the hammer, and pull the trigger. Many like that modification and would consider it a plus.

The factory mags (at least mine) are mouse trap mags. What does that mean one might ask? There is a little metal flippy thing (technical term) near the bottom of the mag.

If I were there and the gun was clean/good, I would buy it today.

BTW: Always work the seller. Offer $600 and see if he flinches.

Billy Shears

New member
Yep. What jaughtman said. Seems like a fair price....if you confirm it is really a Browning and not a clone of one variety or another.


New member
Just checked my local listings:

BHP $700...
Great gun that shoots very accurate. Never had it jam or miss feed. Only selling it because I have two of the exact same gun and the wife says it is time to buy my boy a play set. If you have never held or fired one of these guns you will be amazed with how they handle.

BHP $900...
This has been a very sweet gun for me, and it's a blast at the range. It has very high quality black handgrips. Great looking gun. It is a Browning High power semi auto 9mm pistol in mint condition with black pachmyer grips. Original case with manual and very few rounds fired through it.

BHP $750...
Up for sale is a very, very nice original Belgian made Browning High Power 9mm with the original black factory zipper case with the red lining, gold zipper, and gold Browning logo. Has the original factory 13 round, high capacity magazine. This pistol is in excellent shape and would rate approx. 98% Blue Book condition. The T-series prefix guns are often held to be the best build quality of all the high powers, with a very clean, crisp trigger pull, even with the factory magazine safety intact. $750 cash or possible high quality firearms trades accepted.


New member
Thanks for the input guys.

I suppose on the slide it should be stamped "Browning" and then "made in:" Belgium, Portugal, or Utah...(?)

Can't remember what geogrpahic place of manufacture is most desireable... (I am a BHP "virgin" obviously):)

Billy Shears

New member
They were originally made in Belgium, but have been "assembled" in Portugal for at least 20 years now. The Portugal assembled MKIII guns are great shooters.

No BHP was ever "made" in Utah. Browning does make the Buckmark in the USA and formerly made the ill-fated BDM pistol domestically too, but otherwise Browning is only an importer...much like "America's First Name in Firearms" Springfield Armory, which produces nearly all its pistols in Brazil [1911s] or Croatia [XDs].

Congrats on the find.


New member



I don't have mine handy and I don't know if those pictures will show enough detail or not. If I recall correctly they say Browning , made in Belgium, assembled in Portugal on them. Mine does anyway.

Here are some Browning Photos:


New member
I recently put a BHP on hold at my local gun shop. A Mk III in 95%+ condition for $625. Given that the one you mentioned has a laser grip that price is probably right on the money.


New member
BHP Virgin?

Well, time to "do the deed" then. Haha. You won't be sorry - just don't overpay - hagle them down a little more on that one you are looking at and you will have the sweetest pointing pistol you ever held AND the satisfaction of getting a good deal! As stated, they were never made in USA - always in Belgium. The newer ones will be stamped "assembled in Portugal". Sir Giligan, if I lived in your local I would look into that T-series one for $750......



New member
Too much IMHO. You can get a NIB BHP for $699 so unless you really love the bluing and the grips you are paying too much.

BHPs even on GB sell for $475 to $550 used all the time. You have to be patient and be willing to walk away from something that pushes above your target price but there are still deals to be had.

I recently picked up a used LNIB practical for $550 OTD with shipping and transfer. People in general pay way too much for BHPs. IMHO.

I recently picked up an Izzy surplus gun that was reblued for $400 OTD with dovetailed sights & ring hammer.
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New member
Sounds like a good deal to me! Folks always gripe about the price on BHPs, but they never bother to shop the used ones.

If it is purely for function, you can likely save some money by going for an FEG or Daly.

If you don't have any yet, this is a good opportunity to try the CTC grips. I LOVE them on my Ruger SP-101. I think you'll like them too.


New member
If it is purely for function, you can likely save some money by going for an FEG or Daly.

Sorry but Fegs and Dalys do not command the same price as "real" BHPs for a reason. They are not as high quality and the price reflexs that. The sights on the Daly suck for anything but defense shooting so you should factor in at least $50 to replace them on a Daly HP.

FEG quality depends a lot on when it was made. Also when buying a FEG you have to make sure that you are buying the BHP clone not the S&W/BHP clone.

Also it is my understanding that not all BHP spec'd part will work in a FEG. I know for example the thumb safety will have to be prepped before it will fit. They are not a bad deal when you can get them for under $300. IMHO they are really worth about $250. More than than simply save up be patient and get the real thing. YMMV


New member
Factoring in the Crimson trace laser grips I still think it is a good price. I just priced some Crimson trace grips for mine last Saturday. You will add nearly $300.00. 700 - 300 = 400, a $400 BHP sounds good to me. $450 to $500 still sounds good to me. I don't think I am too far off on that.

I just checked gun broker and gun genie and didn't see any better prices. What am I missing?
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New member
So we all agree.....

A decent BHP under 600 = good deal! Haha. Yeah, if you wait a while you can definitely get one for 500-600 - but probably without the CT grips. Join the it, do it! BTW, sirgiligan, that official Browning pouch goes for around $50-$75 around here by itself. Yikes.



New member
It's an ok deal if you want the grips. The gun is described as 90% which in my book means wear. It is not LNIB it is well 90%. For me personally I would never put crimson trace grips on a BHP. They add bulk and take away from the natural feel and presentation of the BHP which IMHO is it's greatest assets.

To the OP if you want the grips you are getting a decent deal. I would say $550 for the gun and about $150 for the grips because that is what you could sell them separately for. People quoting you new value on the grips are misleading you as to their value. TC sell used normally for about 50% of retail.

Again I personally would rather have a straight up LNIB BHP in the $500 range without the grips than the one you are looking at but to each their own.

Anyone want to guess what I paid for this one?


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New member
Here is the Practical I spoke about earlier: The grips (Navederix black thin combat) have been swapped out, the mag disconnect has been removed the rest is stock for now.

