Browning BLR .308 Win


New member
Hello to all, first post, new member, longtime lurker, and thanks in advance for all your answers.

Here's the deal: I'm going backwards in time. The first rifle I bought with my own money was a Browning BLR '81 in .308 Winchester, about 26 years ago. Back then, I wasn't into guns, they were simply tools, and I wanted a .308. Kind of a transitional gun from all the .30-30s I'd hunted/plinked with in high school(all loaner guns from friends). it was the first gun I really enjoyed. It wasn't the prettiest, but she was more accurate than I was, and was just a pleasure to shoot. Well, sometime after I moved away from home I stopped hunting for about 6 years and somehow I decided to sell that rifle.

Well, now I'm hunting again, and I do have a dedicated deer rifle (Savage 110 .30-06), and, well, it's a great gun. But not terribly fun to shoot.

But some part of me keeps whispering in my ear that what I really want is that Browning lever gun back.

So, here's my couple of questions: Do they even still make this gun? And are they any good, or did I just luck out and get a pretty good one?

I believe (unless I misremember the gun) that it would make a pretty good brush/short-medium range deer gun. I'd be going iron sights only, and hunting medium-size to large game.

Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.


New member
Yes they still do make the BLR, or at least last time I checked.

It's going to be a bit more expensive.

6 1/2pd or there about. It's a good gun for quick shots and accurate for minute of deer at a distance.