Brown Specal Forces Is Here


New member
My Ed Brown specal forces arrived this week, hope to shoot tomorrow or friday. The quality of fit and finish is fantastic and the coating looks very well done and rugged, the treatment of the front strap and MSH is nice and grippy but not cutting like checkering and I suspect will look better in 20 years than worn checkering. Trigger fells slightly better than my other brown and my only complaint is the coating is not put on the barrel busing as well, I may do this with duracoat or something at some point

The gun is wearing Aluma-grips now, if only they offered a rail as well!!

Will see how it does at the range, if it's as good as my Koba I'd put it up aginst any custom 1911 out there and all at 1900 dollars and change.

BTW mine is within 6 serial numbers of the one pictured on their website so I guess it's one of the first out the door.


New member
Ed Brown Special Forces

It is a nice looking pistol, love to have one but the State of California does not agree.


but the State of California does not agree.
Feces on the state of California - pick out a state that was recently rated "D" or "F" by the Brady skanks and move there!

I'd move in order to own an Ed Brown, if my state were not already "D" rated - it's a quality of life issue!:D :D


New member
Hope that Ed will offer it in a CA vershion then swap out the parts if you want.

Still stinks though guys, having fleed NJ I know what you guys in CA go through, I'm in AZ now and anytime I am even near the CA boarder I am on edge as I can feel the stupidity fog.


New member
Well put 900 rounds through the Specal forces yeasterday ---

On the plus side the gun shoots great with fantastic accuracy as would be expected form Brown. The grip frame / MSH chain pattern is very grippy and very easy on the skin --- less abrasive then even the kobra scales brown offers, in a bobtailed commander I think I'd have to buy one as well, with standard alunimum grips on the gun it's the perfect combo of grippy and no snag / non-abrasive.

On the down side:

1. Gun came with a broken firing pin --- yup went to the range --- CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, no bang what so ever, I could not get the FP to pertrude from the breach face with a pin punch, so I removed the FP stop --- pin appeared to have been broken off externally by placement in a vice or something and bending back and forth, pin was bent slightly in that area and metal crystalized--- no foreward fragment was in the FP chanel, my suspicion is that this gun was at the Shot Show or a FP form teh shot show accidentaly made it's way into my gun (Shot Show requires trimed or otherwise inert pins and my gun is a low serial number relative to the prototype on their website.) Brown did not have an explaniton for this and they are sending me a new pin which will be extra as I bought one over the weekend as I wanted to go shoot.

2. 3/4 grip screw bushings came loose. They are being locktighted on as I write this, not sure if this is becuse this is their first attempt at a coated gun that this happened

3. Coating is just another coating in my opinion --- no better than the others out there with the exeption of glock tennifer, it looks like a good finish for a working gun but wear at mechanical interface areas already shows and in some areas and no more or less than other coated guns I have owned --- I guess I am not suprised but based on the descriptions of the coating from their website I guess I expected a miricle product or something,

Overall I'm happy with the gun as it shoots great and Brown helped out with the firing pin and all this stuff was all things I could do myself though I have to admit the gun was not as picture perfect as the Kobra Carry I got earlier, still however with these little things addressed I'd have to say this is easily on a par with guns that cost a lot more.