Brought from Florida CCWL

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New member
If this does not scare you to death? We are brain dead.

Brit is Scouse on this forum.


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Join Date: Sep 2009Location: Orlando, FLPosts: 2,709

If these Armed Trained individuals are full time, were will they live, be based, who will their senior Officers be? Were will they come from, deployed from, these Senior Officers, non Comms?

How much money is involved, and were will it come from? Were will all these vehicles be stored? Who will drive them, service them, we are talking massive funds, were is it coming from? Who signed off on these expenditures.

Where are the weapons going to be stored? No CCW for under 21?

This age group are video game adults! No worries? Be worried.

If the election results are not LAND SLIDE results, we will be in a very precarious place! Still might be.

Be Safe.
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First, you need to fix your link -- it doesn't work.

Second, although the article (if I found the right one) is confusing as all get out, I think you are overreacting.

Third, what does the DHS "FEMA Corps" have to do with the title you attributed to your post?


New member
So a subset of Americorps people dedicated to disaster response? "Oh the horror!" What's next, worrying about the peacecorps rising up? lol

Typical alarmist tinfoil hat article. Take things that are vaguely related, DHS ammo contracts, (which btw if you do the math is hardly alarming) and a new subsection of Americorps that's in partnership with the DHS/FEMA, then toss in some info pulled from thin air along with deliberately misleading "facts", and viola! Suddenly you have a new army! :rolleyes:
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