Brother in Law shot at by Marines

Hog Red

New member
He had called the local police about a couple of bullet holes in his garage and while talking to them in his yard a bullet barely misses his head. Two marines were caught and are in custody, they said they were shooting at cans. Really? in a freakin neighborhood? CSI has the area taped off and their digging the bullets out of their walls. What can these guys be charged with, being that the cops were in danger as well.

Don H

New member
It would probably vary by state and jurisdiction. Something on the order of 'Reckless Endangerment' or whatever that state might label the act, possibly 'Discharge of a firearm within city limits'. Kinda hard to say since there's not much information to go on. Don't forget, the DA's office decides what charges to bring and that can vary greatly from office to office.

You'll probably have to wait to see what, if any, charges are brought.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Everywhere I have ever lived (in the US) I have seen county ordinances that govern how close to an occupied dwelling you may shoot. Cities have the same type of restrictions and are usually even more restrictive.

Most every level of government has some law about using firearms in a responsible manner. A catch-all ordinance. 'Sounds good, except responsible manner is usually not defined, and how could it be?

This certainly sounds like a clear cut example, though. 'Hope they get good legal representation.

Hog Red

New member
not sure what type of gun it was. waiting to here more info from my sister. This was in a subdivision that is heavily populated.


New member
CO, nothing. I'd be more worried about the First Sergeant and/or any Senior NCOs in their chain of command.
Were adult beverages involved?


Staff In Memoriam
While I cannot condone the behavior of these marines... And I have had bullets (YES PLURAL) zing by in far too close proximity to my noggin' for me to remain standing including between my head and my truck cab as I approached it. I was less than 3 feet from the door and bullet went by at head level between me and cab so less than 2 feet from me.

I personally do not claim I was "shot at". The times I was "shot at" the shooter had intentions of either hitting me or terrorizing me.

I feel the title of the post is a tad beat misleading... unintentionally I presume. And for the life of me, I just cannot think of a better way to word the title.:eek:

You would think that every serviceman with completion of basic training would be more responsible than this.

I won't even shoot shot shells at my place in one direction due to a house being nearly or just over 100 yards through DENSE woods... Junior says "Dad, what are the chances...?" I tell him "The odds are remote that there could be an issue but Murphy is not your friend and he is a malicious sort of dude... he can find the one slot between a million trees and ruin your life."


Phil Martin

New member
Legally, Don has it right- in reference to civil laws, reckless endangerment and discharging firearms within city limits, but it does depend on the jurisdiction and the county DA. Under military law, it depends on their status which way their CO will take it, but it could be judicial or non-judicial punishment. I can imagine the CO when the police officers inform him or her of the matter :mad:
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Staff In Memoriam
And I forgot to say it... Yeah I wouldn't even want to one of these marines when they are called into superiors office...



New member
If it's by a base, the local PD *may* leave it to the command to take care of. They may pay the local fines and the like, but doing any sort of time behind the bars etc. will probably be left to the command. In my command, they'd be maxed out on a battalion level NJP minimum. Regardless of being 'government property' though, your brother-in-law has every right to press charges. If it's away from the base, they'll definitely face whatever state and local charges are brought up. There are a lot of ifs in this situation, however.

As a Marine, these things really get under my skin. Any time someone in the Corps does something wrong, the fact that they are a Marine instantly gets broadcasted out and it paints a bad picture. I've met plenty of Marines that are far from having any sort of triple digit IQ and I thing these guys should get the book, but I can assure you they are not the majority. Not that I like screwing over fellow Marines, but I'd be sure to check in with the police and see if their command was notified. This is an instance where it is certainly called for.


Hog Red

New member
i dont think it was on purpose either but haven't heard all of the facts yet, i cant imagine anyone dumb enough to shoot a gun towards anyone while standing next to a police officer. intentional or not, marines or not, someone could have easily been killed by these two asshats. trust me, i wish it had been a couple of doped up gangbangers instead of someone from our armed forces. this is a disgrace.


New member
Marines ought to damn know better! Yes I'm a Marine and I shake my head every time I hear some thing so dumb like this happens. There are alcohol incidents which are pretty crappy but sobriety is not drilled into them since boot camp. Weapon discipline is! Your brother in law was almost killed by negligence on the part of a Marine, not a 16 year old out hunting.
In 99% of cases, I agree with Maximus that when a Marine messes up, the entire Corps is highlited, and its unnecessary. In this case I think shame is a good thing.

Hog Red

New member
One was charged with improper exhibition of a firearm, discharging a firearm in public and shooting into a dwelling. He was released on an $11,000 bond.

The other was charged with improper exhibition of a firearm and discharging a firearm in public. He was released on a $2,000 bond.

just found a news article on the internet, it doesn't say anything about them being Marines so I hope they are not. they were indeed shooting at cans on a fencepost directly in line with my sisters home. the dang intercoastal waterway is 90 degrees to the left so dont know why they wouldn't have been shooting in that direction. it was a .22 rifle by the way

Hog Red

New member
cant reach my sister by phone, trying to confirm if they were indeed military or not, if not i want the mods to delete this thread.


New member
these marines were damn lucky no one was hit. they might get trespassing or reckless endangerment. many times if they aren't on thier own property the trespassing is thrown in as well.

the bottom line if they weren't doing it on purpose(intentionally trying to hit anyone) and they didn't injure anyone, the punishment will be far less