Broomhandle sent, missile returned


New member
Recently I sent my old C96 off to a place for a nitre blue, bore
relining, and a new bolt stop. A few weeks later the gun was
returned looking quite sharp and I eagerly took it off to the
range to check out function and the accuracy of the relining
job. Mindful of the Broomie horror stories I've heard and cautious
by nature I held the gun away from my body as I began to fire
the first load of S&B 7.63 Mauser. Lucky me, because on the
sixth round the bolt stop sheared, sending the bolt flying to
the concrete floor several feet behind me. Examining the gun
and bolt I could find no damage to either other than the broken
bolt stop. I was rather surprised on examination of the "new"
bolt stop. It was deeply pitted and worn and had a crack in
the ring that holds the firing pin(interestingly enough this
was not where the stop broke).
More bemused than angry I called the place that had done
the work and explained what had happened. The gentleman
I talked to, clearly a chronic amnesiac and life-long owner of
homework-eating dogs, became wary and vague as I related
what happened. "I don't remember that" and "I don't understand" were about as close as he would come to assum-
ing responsibility. He did say however that they would replace
the bolt stop if I sent the broken one back and "if it was theirs".
I sent it back and they sent me one that appeared to be brand
new-and also about 3/4 of the size of the one that fit my gun.
I wasn't aware Mauser made these stops in different sizes.
Anyway I suppose they tried to make things right so I won't
mention them by name but I'm not surprised the state they're
located in was the site of so much indecision in a recently, much-
contested election.
Does anyone make newly manufactured bolt stops for the

Hard Ball

New member
If that S&B 7.63 Mauser.ammunition is marked 7.62mmX25mm on the box it is too hot a load for a C96 Mauser. It chronograhs @ 1640 fps out of a CZ52. Typical European 7,63 Mauser ammunition is ! 259 fps slower. Be careful! :eek:


New member
Nope, it wasn't Tok ammo. Marked 7.63 Mauser in little white boxes of 25 rds. Quite mild as that round goes.