"Broomhandle" Mausers...WOW!


Many people would consider purchasing it if it were a German made pistol but the price is way to high for a Chinese variant. I am refering to the 9mm variant not the .45acp. model.

If I'm reading that right, that's not just any 9mm C96 variant, it's a semi-auto/FULL auto Schnellfeuer gun.

Those are quite uncommon.

Unfortunatly, with the Chinese guns, you get a wide range of quality.

Some were very close to German-made guns, others are best used as boat anchors. And it's often impossible to tell which without extensive, and expensive, testing.


Moderator Emeritus

...buy one of the Chinese .45 Broomhandles and expect it to work right out of the box.

We had a customer order one; it was so sloppily machined that itcould not be made to function as anything other than a manually operated repeater. He was incensed, having just paid $800+S&H+Transfer to buy it, so we sent it back.

The replacement was just as bad. The bolt was rough as a cob, the frame "rails" (for lack of a better term) weren't even remotely parallel, the gun had more toolmarks than any other I've ever seen this side of a 1942 Mosin. It was so rough that it was difficult to fieldstrip. It took another $100+ spent at the gunsmith's to get that one running with even moderate reliability. (This involved basically re-machining every bearing surface; and a C96-type has a lot of bearing surfaces.)

Caveat emptor, baby. :eek:

Kirk Keller

New member
It's a plot!

On the part of the Chinese to infiltrate American households with weapons incapable of defending life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!

But seriously my brother has an original BHMauser, and bought one of these Chinese versions as well. Conditions were as Tamara indicates, a VERY expensive paperweight capable of throwing lead only after much coaxing and only one shot every 15-20 minutes or so.

Not a good deal.


New member
Mike....if you read the fine print I think you will find that it is a semi auto replica.

Funds benefit the Communist Chinese Army.
Hugely overpriced.

Sam....only slightly biased.


If you decide you collect Chinese guns it can be a real adventure. I recently had the privelege of viewing a rare collection of chinese auto pistols from the turn of the century. The quality ranged from outright junk to fabulous pieces of machining. Some were built using German parts and on German machinery.

The quality of chinese pistols is determined by which manufacturing facility built them. Most of the Chinese pistols that I viewed in the collection were a copy of European designes. Most people who are gun collectors are not even aware of the wide variety of handguns that were made in China over the last 100 years. Some models incorporated a conglomeration of European designs especially German ones.

Some if the pieces I would have not given .01 for and others I would have sold my soul to the devil to acquire. Too bad there is not a world class reference book to this facinating part of Chinese history.

Peoples prejudices , ignorance and misconseptions often lead to fabulous buys when purchasing and collecting auto pistols. Sometimes the pistols people think are junk are often made of better materials and function better than some of the big name brands made in prestigious countries. I know, I own some of them and I am glad most people think they are junk because I bought some them for almost nothing.


Moderator Emeritus
Sorry, leej,

Just going by all the Chinese .45 Broomhandles I've seen.

But you're right, I've seen some darn nice pistols come out of China, too.