Brno 602zkk

Roman Knoll

New member
I have 602 in .375 H&H for years. Never let me down. The only thing weird about ir is that safety works in oposite way. You have to press the utton backwards for "FIRE".


Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Hello. I'm not sure that BRNO is still making that exact action, but the one sold on the CZ large magnum rifles appears the same except for the longer shroud. You can probably find the ZKK 602 around if you look. By the way, while I cannot remember the maker, I did have my rifle fitted with a Winchester-type 3-position safety such that it works the "right" way. IF I run across anyone selling these actions, I'll post it here.



New member
Isn't this the action that Jeff Cooper used for his "Baby" ? It was a 460 G&A, and I remember his comment about the safety working backwards. George Hoenig did the work, and he wouldn't have put any time into the project if he wasn't confident with the action.