British Sterling parts breakdown


New member
I have recently aquired a British Sterling Simi Automatic 9m/m Carbine MK6 and I need a service or a parts breakdown manual for it.

Know where I can get one.

It was produced in 1956 and later as an L2A3 I think, by Sterling Armament Company at Dagenham England.

It is simple to breakdown and clean most of it, but i`m not sure about the pistol grip triger group,and what the lock and free screw on the grip does.

The most important thing I need to know is what the lock and free screw dose before I clean more.

Any info would help.
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New member
NO! IT is not. :eek: Would be fun to shoot one though.

The 1956 year was when they started producing them in Simi Auto, is my understanding. I have tried several searches and some info but not what I need.


New member
The Sterling semi-autos were only imported into the US for a brief time in the 1980's. Import stopped in 1990.

The importer was Cassi Inc, of Colorado Springs Col.
The model was the Sterling Mk 6.

Gun Parts Corporation carry SMG parts and schematics:

Possibly they MAY have parts, unlisted. Contact them.


New member

Thank you for the info. Numerich (Gun parts) only lists the L2A3 four pocket curved mag pouch and no parts break down.

I tried Cassi inc and nothing there. But I will try again under a new search.

I think I will just remove the triger group and figure it out from that. I don`t have any broken parts and the gun shoots just fine. :)