British harsh on crime


New member
Been described by the young & nubile as a rough sleeper. I'll be on my best behaviour over there!

"Dog fouling"? They let the dogs play basketball over there and you aren't allowed to foul them? How do you get the play back in the 4th quarter without fouling the dog?


New member
dear all,

it does neglect several points. my current (although sadly not for much longer it seems :( ) Police station has the largest number of homeless in the country "resident", and there are available to the homeless a varied network of drug counselling and housing assistance for which they can be referred either by themselves or by the Police / WCC "Outreach" teams, so the system isnt just "jail or fine" as the article would make out; plus at least one persistent beggar has been the subject of an ASBO in the recent past, so its hardly a new idea.

The "bad-behaviour tickets" idea is typical of this government and unlikely to be enforced, as Police have better things to do with their time, and those others suggested of being able to give the tickets out have no legal power to take anyones details, or do anything if they refuse.


New member
Because, as you well know, the UK is not a socialist country. I might as well ask you why any crime at all occurs in CCW states, it would be as reasonable a question.


New member
Under the proposals issued by five government departments, binmen and other council workers would be entitled to issue on-the-spot fines for litter. For the first time chewing gum would be specifically classified as litter with possible fines of £50. In some areas, such as near schools, councils would be entitled to ban the sale of gum from shops.

Banning the sale of chewing gum?!

I need a cross-eyed emoticon for this occasion! :barf:

Fred Hansen

New member
"Are there no work houses? Are there no prisons?"
Clem, you crack me up! :D
I need a cross-eyed emoticon for this occasion!


New member
Agricola-Please help

What is the fine for a rough sleeping, fly-tipping, busker and is it possible to see one in daylight?

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam

Isn't the Labour Party socialist? Haven't they been in power for several years? Why haven't they cured this social ill?

I mean, after all, if they have the answer to the chewing gum problem, then it is obvious that all problems will be solved by them :D

Jim March

New member
What in God's name is "fly-tipping"? Is it like cow-tipping, 'cept with tweezers and a magnifying glass?

Second point, I've been in close proximity to a lot of "street people" in San Francisco, which probably has the highest per-capita homeless population in the US, and I've never known buskers to be anything other than completely harmless. Of what possible benefit would it be to crack down on buskers?

("Buskers" = street musicians or sometimes other performing artists who put a hat out for tips. Considered FAR more honorable than simple begging. Some of the best in San Francisco are simply unbelievably good. There was one old dude who played slide blues guitar with the slide attached to his *stump*, he was I swear to god one of the best guitarists I've ever seen despite only having one hand. He made enough to get by...could have gone pro but...well, he was a drunk. Oh well. He never hurt anybody but himself.)


New member
fly-tipping is where (usually) a builder's skip or other truck containing rubbish is dumped, usually in someones field