Bringing old mags back to life


New member
Found some old P226 mags and am in need of some for the range. They were stored improperly. Just old, a bit sticky. Two of them lock the slide back, one fails to. Obviously, only a test on the range will prove if they're any good. I wouldn't rely on them for actual self defense, but as cheap reloaders.

Anyway, what can I do to help 'bring them back'...I was thinking of soaking them in Breakfree CLP


New member
Disassemble them and clean them the way you would clean your gun. If the one fails to hold your slide open it might need a replacement spring.


New member
If in doubt at all, I'd replace the spring. Springs are relatively cheap (especially with what Sig charges for mags).

A good scrubbing with something like BF would also be good... take a brush to it, both inside and out.

If you can get them feeding well with a good cleaning and springs, great. If they won't, I'd hammer them flat and toss them. I know some folks like to keep bad mags for failure drills at the range, but I personally don't like to keep iffy magazines around at all.


New member
Probably not the best method but I have disassembled my worn down mags for my 5906 cleaned them and just stretched the spring back out and they work like a champ. I am sure this will only work for a limited time but it dors work and has for a long time already.


New member
I find cleaning with CLP can help. A lot of times the oil the mags are originally shipped in is a preserving oil that tends to be very sticky. Wiping them out with CLP tends to clear that out. As others have said springs are pretty cheap if you should need them.


New member
If you use a solvent or an oil to clean them make sure you get that oil out of the tube and off the spring. If you leave it in there it will attract dirt and debris which will cause malfunctions.

Mags should be dry....

Are these mags factory mags? If they are factory mags are they 15 rounders? If so call Wolff and get some replacement springs. Check the followers and bodies for damage. If there is damage chuck them and get yourself some Mecgars they are only about $20 a piece.