Bringing Guns into Canada


New member

The last time I was in Canada was about 5 or 6 years back. I was up there with the wife on a fishing trip. Really got hassled at the border coming back, by the canukes. Now, if you want to hunt with a gun, more hassles. Tell them to go pound sand. This country has too many great hunting and fishing areas to worry about our "friends" to the north.;)


I love the Canadian people...they are among our best and most faithful friends in the entire world.

But their "leaders" are socialist idiots, and for that the Canadians must bear the blame.


New member
Could be costly to go to Alaska with your guns. I guess you could go by water. Too bad the socialists have such a big majority.


New member
Really got hassled at the border coming back, by the canukes.


Why would you get hassled by Canadian border patrol folks on the way back? Here in Michigan, you answer to U.S. officials when you come back.

You should talk to Canadians when you're trying to enter their country, not when you leave. Are you sure that it wasn't our own folks who hassled you?
