Brill's Content - read this magazine!

Jeff Thomas

New member

Here is how Brill begins when he explains his publication:

"Q: Name the industry that, when it comes to power, lack of accountability, arrogance and the making of money in the name of sacred constitutional rights, actually makes lawyers look good....

A: Media."

For those of us who are absolutely, irretrievably disgusted with American media [have I left anyone out ;) ], you're gonna like this mag.

Brill's team exposes the BS in American journalism, and may be one of the best hopes we have for exposing our media's dismal record regarding the RKBA. Pick up an issue - I think your heart will jump when you find that someone is at last exposing our disgusting media for what it really is these days.

Very, very refreshing to see these ba****ds roasted for a change.

Regards from AZ

Brett Bellmore

New member
I was a charter subscriber to Brill's Content. I did NOT renew, and for good reason; I got tired of Brill's continual attacks on Ken Starr, and anyone else who tried to hold the President accountable for his actions. (Not that Starr tried very hard, IMO.)

Sic semper tyrannis!


New member
Ken Starr established his credibility when he agreed that Vince foster took his own life. From then on it was all downhill. :mad:

"Keep shootin till they quit floppin"
The Wife 2/2000


New member
I was an initial (charter?) subscriber, as well. Unfortunately, the "content" did not live up to the hype. They only barked when the left's ox was gored, and I cancelled after a few issues. If I want to read that tripe, I can always pick up the Washington Post.
