bren 10- CZ 75


New member
No, The Bren Ten is NOT a CZ-75 on steroids although that is the convention urban legend. False Urban Legend #2: lack of magazines made the gun fail. False Urban Legend #3: The guns are prone to breakage and replacement parts and magazines are impossible to find. False Urban Legend #4: It was the first gun originally designed to be a 10mm.

I guess that covers the basic myths.




New member
Bruce, you should inform Wikipedia of their error
"The pistol, meanwhile, was adapted from the CZ-75 but heavily modified, including a stainless steel frame, easily visible sights, and various other features that would normally only be found on heavily customized arms."


New member
Does wiki = fact?

I recall that there used to be a saying about a million monkeys and a million typewriters, but I don't think that the old saying assumed the monkeys that didn't produce the works of Shakespeare would all band together and claim that they did. I do assume that they'd throw poo a lot, though ;)


New member
RT, Wikipedia does not necessarily mean that the info is accurate! I can edit many Wikipedia pages to say whatever I want. Wikipedia is a great place to get info but it's not always correct. There are some pages on Wiki that can not be edited but most are meant to be by anyone that has updated info.


New member
Thank you Bruce, I had not heard those myths. I just thought the Bren & CZ might have been the same due to my own observations based on appearance. I have never actually handled one. Thank you for the education, always want to learn something new.


New member
I apologize if it appeared that I suggested Wikipedia was an accurate source for firearms information. I was actually hoping Bruce would modify the Wiki page to provide more accurate info and quoted the preceding passage as an example of their error.


New member
Anybody interested in what really transpired with the Bren Ten should read the book "Bren Ten-The Heir Apparent" by Ron Carrillo. I started helping Ron with research for it around 8 years ago and he was already about a year into it then. We decided long ago to do this instead of messing around with a quick overview like Wikipedia.

See this page:

The book is available directly from me or Circle Ten Publications. It could also be purchased from the Smithy @ Gunsite and at the NRA National Firearms Museum. I, incidentally, have no financial interest in the book sales.


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