Breaking news!!!

Nanaimo Barr

New member

And now, this breaking news report on something

By HOWARD TROXLER, Times Columnist
© St. Petersburg Times
published October 23, 2002

No, as a matter of fact, I am NOT trying to be funny at a time like this.

* * *
ANCHOR: Now, this breaking news. Something has reportedly happened. Details
are sketchy, and we really don't have any idea of what it might be, but
let's show these impressive aerial shots from our helicopter. Now let's go
to our correspondent in the field to tell us that he doesn't know anything.

CORRESPONDENT: Paula? I'm sorry, I couldn't really hear you, but let me say
that out here we really have no idea of what's going on. But my sources tell
me that something definitely has happened. All I can say is that we'll find
out as soon as possible. In the meantime, everybody should stay tuned to

ANCHOR: Thank you. As you can see, CNN sources now are confirming to CNN
that something has, indeed, happened. For further analysis on this, let's go
to CNN's consulting criminologist. Doctor, what does this tell you about the
character of the perpetrator?

CRIMINOLOGIST: Of course, it is too early to know what this something might
be, but in any case I would say that clearly, this is a disturbed
individual. I would say this is a cry for attention, if not for help.

ANCHOR: Is it possible that we are talking about someone who might be, say,
watching CNN at this very minute?

CRIMINOLOGIST: Doubtlessly so.

ANCHOR: We understand now that the police chief is having his briefing.
Let's go there live.

CHIEF: I am here to say, I have nothing to say.

REPORTERS: Tell us all the secret things that you don't want to tell us.

CHIEF: That would jeopardize the case.

REPORTERS: Here, let us ask a bunch of speculative questions that still
mean, tell us anyway.

CHIEF: No. Next briefing in 15 minutes.

ANCHOR: We'll be right back.

* * *
(Cut to CNN commercial showing clips from political talk show.)

WHINY DEMOCRAT: There's no doubt in my mind this sniper is a Republican.

SMUG REPUBLICAN: Clearly he is a product of Clinton-Democrat degeneracy.

ANNOUNCER: Hear the issues discussed in depth, six times nightly, on CNN.

* * *
(Back to broadcast)

* * *
ANCHOR: And now here's a roundup of other news. There's war with Iraq, the
midterm elections for control of Congress, a reeling economy, forgotten
corporate scandals and the World Series. Okay, that covers that. Now back to
our round-the-clock coverage. Wait a minute . . . we're hearing now that
there might be a new fact in the case.

(Crawl across bottom of screen: NEW FACT IN CASE...)

ANCHOR: Let's go back to Bob in the field. Bob?

CORRESPONDENT: That's right, Paula, sources are now telling CNN that
something definitely has happened. They're urging the public to stay calm,
but, honestly, I don't see any basis for that kind of statement.

ANCHOR: All right. We have confirmation that, indeed, something has
happened. After this break, we'll be going to our panel of CNN experts from
the Institute of People Who Talk On Television For A Living. And be sure to
tune in tonight to Larry King Live, where Larry will talk about the day's
events with John Walsh and Carrot Top.

* * *
It's me talking for real now.

Here is my idea, which I hope my friends in radio and other local media will
support: Let's stop watching cable news during this ridiculous orgy of
speculative coverage.

I'm not saying we should ignore these terrible events. Watch your regular
local news on our broadcast stations. Check out the Internet, if you'd like.
Am I leaving out anything here? Oh, yeah. Read the paper. Or don't.

But don't reward this idiocy any more. For a brief, shining few days, let's
give the cable news networks the lowest ratings of any major metropolitan
market in the nation.

* * *
A sniper on the loose, a nation on edge. Count on CNN to bring you the whole
story. Now, more than ever!

-- Actual CNN promotion


Member In Memoriam
Nanaimo Barr, I agree we should not watch the CNN News but I can't ..................see I don't watch it now, haven't for years and years............come to think of it I don't watch CBS, ABC, or NBC either.............I will watch Fox and the local news, and read the local papers they are conservative. My TV watching is limited to LSU (or SEC) college football and the NFL........(Excluding commercials) :D


New member
It's funny, because it's so true. This whole thing is like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

- Gabe

Apple a Day

New member
Sorry, my first animated gif. Haven't quite gotten it down yet.
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