Breaking News "underpunched ballots found"

Alan B

New member
some of the democrat counties in FL have found ballots that were not punched all the way through so now they are going to recount the ballots by hand. So now the the elliction officials are going to punch the ballots themselves. The recount will continue until they get the desired result or they wear the ballots out.


New member
there is also a rumor that the 19,000 bad ballots include ballots where the voter turned in a bad ballot for a new one

New Mexico is pulling within 130 votes!



New member
Those ballots are going to be run through the machines untill they give gore the victory.

How many times are they going to count before they find enough votes.

I say on the fifth recount.

Geoff Ross

I am no expert but I DO have an opinion.

Jeff Thomas

New member
I hope you're kidding ... the election officials will alter the ballots in hand?

That should be interesting ...

Regards from AZ


New member
Jeff, the Election officials have the power to change the ballot if they think that there was "intent". circles or partial punch's.

"permits, we don't need no stinking permits!"

Alan B

New member
Jeff Thomas
Don't we wish This was a joke MSNBC is reporting it now

[This message has been edited by Alan B (edited November 10, 2000).]


New member
me thinks we are going to have to hand count the whole countries ballots

if they distrust one set of ballots, all must be scrutinized


Futo Inu

New member
I have watched CNN, and I have SEEN the ballots in question, and they are clearly marked with an arrow pointing from the candidate to the hole to be punched. Now I can see this is clearly a totally made-up, bogus issue. No matter how old or young you might be, or how poor your eyesight, if you cannot punch just ONE hole at the end of the arrow tip, then YOU ARE TOO STUPID TO DESERVE TO HAVE YOUR VOTE COUNTED. I am sick of Jesse Jackson and all the Democrats whining and protesting about how they were confused, or how the ballots discriminated against the disabled (poor eyesight is the supposed disability, yet they've got people in wheelchairs on the streets for some reason - I guess bad eyesight makes your legs quit working) - now they're saying that there were supposedly police checkouts stopping people around the polling places for no reason. And do you know WHY they were stopping people for no reason? You guessed it - to intimidate them from voting for Gore. And just how do they know that indtimidation was the reason for these supposed stops? Yep, you're getting the hang of it - because blacks were disproportinally stopped. Excuse me while I puke. SHUT THE HELL UP AND ACCEPT THE FACT YOU LOST, YOU WHINING MORON SORE LOSER DEMOCRATS!! Needed to be said. (and yes, I realize the Democrats that I'm speaking to are not here to hear me).

By the way, if you are a bona fide, legally blind person, there is a procedure in place for getting a special ballot, I'm quite sure.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited November 10, 2000).]


New member
Yes Futo it needed to be said and you did it well.

"In my opinion, anyone pushing through anti-gun legislation is a bloody traitor and should be sent up for treason" N.H. Stuart

Alan B

New member
You Know it must be real frustrating to be a democrat today. They went out of their way to steal an election and didn't get it done. Talk about blowing it. Now they want to recount it until the results match what they thought they had done.


New member
Well, like we've all heard before...

3 boxes necessary to maintain Freedom in a REPUBLIC

<LI>Ballot Box
<LI>Jury Box
<LI>Bullet Box

When the ballot box fail, and the Jury box fail, there's only one left.

The current administration has decreed that the Ballot Box in mute. And is trying to go after the Jury Box.

God help us.

[This message has been edited by Donny (edited November 10, 2000).]


New member
These people in Palm Beach are the same ones that can run 5 different Bingo cards but they can't figure out that ballot? Give me a break!


New member
One thing is certain: the Gorons, one way or another, will steal it in FL. They'll "re-punch" the handcounted ballots until they gain enough votes to offset any gains Bush will make with the military absentee ballots.

The Democraps' government breadbasket is at stake and they'll do what it takes.

Civil wars have begun over much less.


New member
It's really amazing that we are now having a SECOND recount in specifically selected counties in FLA. before the 1st recount is even certified!

The Dems are really gonna steal this one guys.


New member votes in Palm County all together is 422,650.

Take away 19,120 that leaves 403,530.

This is 403,530 votes that went to BOTH Gore and Bush and they were utilized correctly, ie NOT Double punched! That means 96% of the county voted CORRECTLY while only 4% messed up! Why is none of the news media talking about this VAST overwhelming majority that did it correctly? After all it was a Pro Gore county anyway!

Try to take away my gun...and you will see my 2nd Amendment Right in ACTION!!! -Me

TRAVELER'S ADVISORY - PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL- Motorists beware - over 19,000 residents unable to follow the arrows.


New member
Jeeze, lighten up y'all. The cup isn't half empty, it's half full. I read that gores voter fraud is under investigation. They even have video tapes. This one is backfiring big time!
Lets all purchase that firearm we've always wanted in celebration! It's gonna be a fun 4 years. We need to start a riot survival thread to get through the next few weeks though.