BREAKING NEWS!! Non lethal Laser rifles and Pistols are Here!!!


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Lawrence Montambault
Larrys Discount Gun Shop

Well folks, it has finally happened! The Buck Rogers Ray Gun
is really and truely here and I can hardly wait to be the first person in my state to own and carry one!!


Real life catches up with Star Trek!!

( Yahoo!or Yeehaw!!)

HSV Technologies Inc., of San Diego, California is developing a non-lethal weapon that uses ultraviolet laser beams to harmlessly immobilize people and animals at a distance. The Phaser-like device uses two beams of UV radiation to ionize paths in the air along which electrical current is conducted to and from the target. In effect, the beams create wires through the atmosphere wherever they are pointed.

The current within these beams is a close replication of the neuro-electric impulses that control skeletal muscles. It is imperceptible to the target person because it differs from his own neural impulses only in that its repetition rate is sufficiently rapid to tetanize muscle tissue. (Tetanization is the stimulation of muscle fibers at a frequency which merges their individual contractions into a single sustained contraction.)

No retinal damage can occur because the cornea absorbs all ultraviolet radiation at the wavelengths used. Moreover, the beams are too weak to produce photokeratitis (corneal inflammation) unless they are directed at the eyes for several minutes. In addition, the current they transmit is insufficient to affect the muscles of the heart and diaphragm.
See Ocular Safety of the Tetanizing Beam Weapon

Our electrical beam weapon has a far longer potential range than its nearest competitor, the wire-based Taser® .

Successful proof-of-principle tests have been performed at the University of California at San Diego, and further refinements using novel laser designs are forthcoming.

Although the smallest laser now available for this application is the size of a carry-on suitcase, a hand-held version should become feasible with only modest advances in laser technology.

Also under development is an engine-disabling variation for use against the electronic ignitions of automobiles. The engine-disabling version should be able to operate with off-the-shelf lasers because it would be carried aboard police patrol cars.

See US Patent #5,675,103

The interested reader is directed to the following articles:

Max Glaskin The Ministry of Defence
is looking at a new weapon that could immobilise gunmen,
The Sunday Times, Inovations, Sunday May 9, 1999.
Hand, A. J., UV lasers stop people in their tracks,
Photonics Spectra, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 32-33, January 1999.
David Mulholland, Laser Device May Provide U.S. Military Nonlethal Option,
Staff writer, Defense News, June 14, 1999, Page 6, Copyright, The Army Times Publishing Company.
Owen, G. P., Directed energy weapons, a historical perspective,
Journal of Defence Science, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 89-93, 1997.
Lamabares, A., et al., Absorption spectra of corneas in the far ultraviolet region,
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 1283-1287, 1997.
Pasternak, D., Wonder weapons,
U.S. News & World Report, July 7, 1997, pp. 38-46.

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HSV Technologies Inc., may be contacted at
(619) 390-4848, or by mail at:

HSV Technologies Inc.
PO Box 2372,
Lakeside, CA 92040,

or by email at
President of HSV Technologies, Inc. Peter Anthony Schlesinger, at

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New member
So now we finally know the answer to the question.... how did Gort selectively neutralize all electrical power all over the world…. (from the Day the Earth Stood Still)

I'll be alright in the morning....


Moderator Emeritus
With the fuzzily defined police/Peace Corps mutant hybrid

missions that our warfighting forces have been assigned to constantly for the past eight years or so, "Non-lethal weapons" have been all the rage in DARPA egghead circles. Apparently, in the soon-to-arrive peaceful, post-cold-war, new world order, the troops of self-appointed busybody nations will descend like a seriously understrength plague of locusts on "rogue states" like Iraq, North Korea, Serbia, and certain GOP-stronghold counties in Florida. Looking stylish in their dapper blue berets, these near-future "Captain Planet" warriors will make up for the fact that they're outnumbered by 100 to 1 or more by irate locals by using state-of-the-art digitally-linked personal computers for lightning-fast commo over the Battlefield Area Network. They won't upset the voters by killing bad guys, either. Since they were dispatched to whatever third world hellhole they may find themselves in by the virtue of the moral superiority of the rich Western nations that sent them, they will use new high-tech nonlethal weapons to swiftly overcome their rude peasant foes while leaving them alive to ponder the national faux pas they committed to trigger this little intervention. Yup, our boys in the multinational peacekeeping forces will have immobilizing foam dispensers, sonic weapons to give their foes headaches, electrical and microwave "stun" devices...

And they will be massacred. What fluffy-headed, vacuous naif thought this up? This is the same mentality that's causing such world powers as Canada, Sweden and Peter Gabriel to dream up a treaty banning all use of landmines on this planet. Like that's gonna keep some poor G.I. from getting his foot blown off by a mine placed by desperate, feral guerrilas who are dead serious about their cause du jour. These future peacekeepers are going to run into people who have the old-fashioned kind of weapons, the kind that kill; and those weapons will be backed with the kind of will to win that our current leaders seem to want to completely eradicate from our military, leaving it some kind of equal-opportunity job corps for the teaching of self-esteem.

I just pray we can undo the damage the current administration has done to our military without us ever having to find out the hard way just how bad things have become.


What he said! This is going to revolutionize paintball! Stay tuned, the Brady Law will be amended to outlaw big mirrors.

Gopher .45

New member
Yes, paintball would be converted to "Stunball." Safety equipment such as helmets would remain as standard equipment to protect the wearer's head on collapse. No more of "I got you!" and "No you didn't!"


New member
Duplicate thread - moderators.

I posted that more technical lists that this, think it is just money raising hype.


New member
I know the alphabet soup agencies aren't going to use these. They like the terminal effect of their MP5s. Especialy the tax stamp enforcing wannabe delta types.


New member
size of a what?

Size of a briefcase??? What about reliability and power density? I think it may be a while before we have hand-held "stun guns". How many shots can you fire and at what intervals (is there a recovery time for the weapon to charge between "shots")? Interesting, but until it's tried and tested in real life, by our benevolent govt. agencies, I'll stick with the traditional lead projectiles fired from a mechanical handgun.


New member
Did anyone else perceive that the effect only seems to last as long as the beam is still focused on the target? Did I miss something here, as that appears to be the case? If so this thing is next to useless-sorta like a gun in which you have to keep shooting to keep the target "dead".


New member
Great for riot control

Make a cannon size verson, and melt a whole crowd.

Does this mean no more cauliflower ears after being hit by a bean bag?